Here is a list of all struct and union fields with links to the structures/unions they belong to:
- i -
- I
: dxf_param
- I16
: dxf_xrecord
- I32
: dxf_xrecord
- I8
: dxf_xrecord
- id
: dxf_viewport
, dxf_vport
- id_code
: dxf_3dline_struct
, dxf_block_record_struct
, dxf_hatch_boundary_path_edge_spline_struct
, dxf_region_struct
, dxf_seqend_struct
, dxf_hatch_boundary_path_edge_struct
, dxf_shape_struct
, dxf_solid_struct
, dxf_body_struct
, dxf_hatch_boundary_path_polyline_vertex_struct
, dxf_sortentstable_struct
, dxf_spatial_filter_struct
, dxf_hatch_boundary_path_polyline_struct
, dxf_spatial_index_struct
, dxf_xrecord
, dxf_xline
, dxf_vport
, dxf_spline_struct
, dxf_view
, dxf_vertex_struct
, dxf_ucs
, dxf_trace
, dxf_tolerance
, dxf_text
, dxf_3dsolid_struct
, dxf_circle_struct
, dxf_hatch_boundary_path_struct
, dxf_style
, dxf_table
, dxf_hatch_pattern_def_line_struct
, dxf_comment_struct
, dxf_hatch_pattern_seedpoint_struct
, dxf_hatch_pattern_struct
, dxf_acad_proxy_entity_struct
, dxf_ray_struct
, dxf_rastervariables_struct
, dxf_polyline_struct
, dxf_point_struct
, dxf_oleframe_struct
, dxf_ole2frame_struct
, dxf_object_ptr_struct
, dxf_mtext_struct
, dxf_mlinestyle_struct
, dxf_mline_struct
, dxf_lwpolyline_struct
, dxf_ltype_struct
, dxf_line_struct
, dxf_leader_struct
, dxf_dictionary_struct
, dxf_hatch_struct
, dxf_insert_struct
, dxf_imagedef_reactor_struct
, dxf_imagedef_struct
, dxf_image_struct
, dxf_idbuffer
, dxf_viewport
, dxf_header
, dxf_dictionaryvar_struct
, dxf_helix_struct
, dxf_appid_struct
, dxf_dimension_struct
, dxf_dimstyle_struct
, dxf_arc_struct
, dxf_donut_struct
, dxf_layer_struct
, dxf_layer_index_struct
, dxf_hatch_boundary_path_edge_spline_cp_struct
, dxf_hatch_boundary_path_edge_line_struct
, dxf_hatch_boundary_path_edge_ellipse_struct
, dxf_hatch_boundary_path_edge_arc_struct
, dxf_group
, dxf_ellipse_struct
, dxf_attdef_struct
, dxf_endblk_struct
, dxf_3dface_struct
, dxf_attrib_struct
, dxf_block_struct
- image_display_properties
: dxf_image_struct
- image_is_loaded_flag
: dxf_imagedef_struct
- image_list
: dxf_entities_struct
- imagedef_object
: dxf_image_struct
- imagedef_reactor
: dxf_imagedef_struct
- imagedef_reactor_object
: dxf_image_struct
- imagedef_reactor_soft
: dxf_imagedef_struct
- IndexCtl
: dxf_header
- InsBase
: dxf_header
- insert_list
: dxf_entities_struct
- inside_diameter
: dxf_donut_struct
- InsUnits
: dxf_header
- InterSectionColor
: dxf_header
- InterSectionDisplay
: dxf_header
- inverse_block_transformation
: dxf_spatial_filter_struct
- is_an_entity_flag
: dxf_class_struct
- is_ccw
: dxf_hatch_boundary_path_edge_arc_struct
, dxf_hatch_boundary_path_edge_ellipse_struct
- is_closed
: dxf_hatch_boundary_path_polyline_struct