libDXF 0.0.1
A library with DXF related functions written in C.

Data Structures

Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
dxf_3dface_structDXF definition of an AutoCAD 3D face entity (3DFACE)
dxf_3dline_structDXF definition of an AutoCAD line entity
dxf_3dsolid_structDXF definition of an AutoCAD 3D solid entity (3DSOLID)
dxf_acad_proxy_entity_structDXF definition of an AutoCAD acad_proxy_entity entity (ACAD_PROXY_ENTITY)
dxf_appid_structDXF Definition of an AutoCAD application identification (APPID)
dxf_arc_structDXF definition of an AutoCAD arc entity (ARC)
dxf_attdef_structDXF definition of an AutoCAD attribute definition entity (ATTDEF)
dxf_attrib_structDXF definition of an AutoCAD attribute entity (ATTRIB)
dxf_binary_entity_data_structDXF definition of an AutoCAD binary entity data object
dxf_binary_graphics_data_structDXF definition of an AutoCAD binary graphics data object
dxf_block_record_structDefinition of an AutoCAD block record symbol table entry (BLOCK_RECORD)
dxf_block_structDXF definition of an AutoCAD block entity
dxf_body_structDXF definition of an AutoCAD body entity (BODY)
dxf_char_structDXF definition of a single linked list of char
dxf_circle_structDXF definition of a circle entity (CIRCLE)
dxf_class_structDXF definition of a class entity (CLASS)
dxf_comment_structDXF definition of an AutoCAD comment entity (COMMENT)
dxf_dictionary_structDXF definition of an AutoCAD dictionary object (DICTIONARY)
dxf_dictionaryvar_structDXF definition of an AutoCAD dictionaryvar object (DICTIONARYVAR)
dxf_dimension_structDXF definition of an AutoCAD dimension
dxf_dimstyle_structDXF definition of an AutoCAD dimensioning style
dxf_donut_structDefinition of a libDXF donut entity
dxf_double_structDXF definition of a single linked list of double variables
dxf_drawing_structDefinition of a DXF drawing
dxf_ellipse_structDefinition of an AutoCAD ellipse entity (ELLIPSE)
dxf_endblk_structDXF definition of an AutoCAD end block entity
dxf_entities_structDefinition of a DXF entity container
dxf_file_structDXF definition of a DXF file
dxf_groupDXF definition of an AutoCAD group object (GROUP)
dxf_hatch_boundary_path_edge_arc_structDXF definition of an AutoCAD hatch boundary path edge arc
dxf_hatch_boundary_path_edge_ellipse_structDXF definition of an AutoCAD hatch boundary path edge ellipse
dxf_hatch_boundary_path_edge_line_structDXF definition of an AutoCAD hatch boundary path edge line
dxf_hatch_boundary_path_edge_spline_cp_structDXF definition of an AutoCAD hatch boundary path edge spline control point
dxf_hatch_boundary_path_edge_spline_structDXF definition of an AutoCAD hatch boundary path edge spline
dxf_hatch_boundary_path_edge_structDXF definition of an AutoCAD hatch boundary path edge (composite of arcs, ellipses, lines or splines)
dxf_hatch_boundary_path_polyline_structDXF definition of an AutoCAD hatch boundary path polyline
dxf_hatch_boundary_path_polyline_vertex_structDXF definition of an AutoCAD hatch boundary path polyline vertex
dxf_hatch_boundary_path_structDXF definition of an AutoCAD hatch boundary path (or loop) (composite of a closed series of edges, and/or a polyline)
dxf_hatch_pattern_def_line_dash_structDXF definition of an AutoCAD hatch pattern definition line dash
dxf_hatch_pattern_def_line_structDXF definition of an AutoCAD hatch pattern definition line
dxf_hatch_pattern_seedpoint_structDXF definition of an AutoCAD hatch seed point
dxf_hatch_pattern_structDXF definition of an AutoCAD hatch pattern
dxf_hatch_structDXF definition of an AutoCAD hatch entity
dxf_helix_structDefinition of an AutoCAD helix entity (HELIX)
dxf_idbufferDXF definition of an AutoCAD idbuffer object (IDBUFFER)
dxf_idbuffer_entity_pointer_structDXF definition of a single linked list of entity pointers
dxf_image_structDefinition of an AutoCAD image entity (IMAGE)
dxf_imagedef_reactor_structDXF definition of an AutoCAD imagedef_reactor object (IMAGEDEF_REACTOR)
dxf_imagedef_structDXF definition of an AutoCAD imagedef object (IMAGEDEF)
dxf_insert_structDXF definition of an AutoCAD block or external reference insert entity
dxf_int_structDXF definition of a single linked list of int
dxf_layer_index_structDXF definition of an AutoCAD idbuffer object (LAYER_INDEX)
dxf_layer_name_structDXF definition of an AutoCAD layer name object
dxf_layer_structDXF definition of an AutoCAD layer entity
dxf_leader_structDXF definition of an AutoCAD leader entity (LEADER)
dxf_line_structDXF definition of an AutoCAD line entity
dxf_ltype_structDXF definition of an AutoCAD linetype symbol table entry
dxf_lwpolyline_structDefinition of a DXF light weight polyline entity
dxf_mline_structDXF definition of an AutoCAD mline entity
dxf_mlinestyle_structDXF definition of an AutoCAD mlinestyle object
dxf_mtext_structDXF definition of an AutoCAD mtext entity (MTEXT)
dxf_object_id_structDXF definition of an object id
dxf_object_ptr_structDXF definition of an AutoCAD object_ptr object (OBJECT_PTR)
dxf_object_structDXF definition of an object
dxf_ole2frame_structDXF definition of an AutoCAD ole2frame entity (OLE2FRAME)
dxf_oleframe_structDXF definition of an AutoCAD oleframe entity (OLEFRAME)
dxf_paramDXF parameter definition
dxf_point_structDXF definition of an AutoCAD point entity
dxf_polyline_structDefinition of a DXF polyline entity
dxf_proprietary_data_structDXF definition of an AutoCAD Proprietary data entity
dxf_rastervariables_structDXF definition of an AutoCAD rastervariables object (RASTERVARIABLES)
dxf_ray_structDXF definition of an AutoCAD ray entity (RAY)
dxf_region_structDXF definition of an AutoCAD region entity (REGION)
dxf_seqend_structDXF definition of an AutoCAD sequence end entity (SEQEND)
dxf_shape_structDXF definition of an AutoCAD shape entity
dxf_solid_structDXF definition of an AutoCAD solid entity
dxf_sortentstable_structDXF definition of an AutoCAD DXF sortentstable object (SORTENTSTABLE)
dxf_spatial_filter_structDXF definition of an AutoCAD spatial_filter object (SPATIAL_FILTER)
dxf_spatial_index_structDXF definition of an AutoCAD spatial_index object (SPATIAL_INDEX)
dxf_spline_structDefinition of an AutoCAD spline entity (SPLINE)
dxf_styleDXF definition of an AutoCAD (text) style (STYLE)
dxf_tableDXF definition of a table entity
dxf_table_cellDXF definition of a table entity cell
dxf_tablesDXF definition of a tables section
dxf_textDXF definition of an AutoCAD text entity
dxf_thumbnailDXF definition of an AutoCAD arc entity (THUMBNAILIMAGE)
dxf_toleranceDXF definition of an AutoCAD tolerance entity (TOLERANCE)
dxf_traceDXF definition of an AutoCAD trace entity
dxf_ucsDXF definition of an AutoCAD User Coordinate System entity (UCS)
dxf_vertex_structDXF definition of an AutoCAD vertex entity
dxf_viewDXF definition of an AutoCAD view symbol table entry (VIEW)
dxf_viewportDXF definition of an AutoCAD viewport entity (VIEWPORT)
dxf_vportDXF definition of an AutoCAD viewport entity
dxf_xlineDXF definition of an AutoCAD xline entity
dxf_xrecordDXF definition of an AutoCAD xrecord object (XRECORD)
DxfRGBColorDefinition of a color