Here is a list of all struct and union fields with links to the structures/unions they belong to:
- f -
- F
: dxf_xrecord
- fade
: dxf_image_struct
- fast_zoom_setting
: dxf_vport
, dxf_viewport
- field_length
: dxf_attdef_struct
, dxf_attrib_struct
- field_object_pointer
: dxf_table_cell
- file_name
: dxf_imagedef_struct
- filename
: dxf_file_struct
- FilletRad
: dxf_header
- FillMode
: dxf_header
- FingerPrintGUID
: dxf_header
- fit_tolerance
: dxf_spline_struct
- flag
: dxf_block_record_struct
, dxf_dimension_struct
, dxf_vertex_struct
, dxf_dimstyle_struct
, dxf_layer_struct
, dxf_ltype_struct
, dxf_lwpolyline_struct
, dxf_polyline_struct
, dxf_spline_struct
, dxf_style
, dxf_table_cell
, dxf_ucs
, dxf_3dface_struct
, dxf_view
, dxf_appid_struct
- flags
: dxf_mline_struct
, dxf_mlinestyle_struct
- flow_direction
: dxf_table
- follow_strict_version_rules
: dxf_file_struct
- fp
: dxf_file_struct
- front_clipping_plane_distance
: dxf_spatial_filter_struct
- front_clipping_plane_flag
: dxf_spatial_filter_struct
- front_plane_offset
: dxf_vport
, dxf_view
, dxf_viewport
- frozen_layer_list_begin
: dxf_viewport
- frozen_layer_list_end
: dxf_viewport
- frozen_layers
: dxf_viewport