pcb 4.1.1
An interactive printed circuit board layout editor.

gui.h File Reference

#include <locale.h>
#include "global.h"
#include "hid.h"
#include "hid_draw.h"
#include "hid/common/hid_resource.h"
#include "data.h"
#include "misc.h"
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <gtk/gtk.h>
#include "ghid-coord-entry.h"
#include "ghid-main-menu.h"
#include "gui-pinout-preview.h"
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Data Structures

struct  GhidGui
struct  view_data
struct  GHidPort


#define FROM_PCB_UNITS(v)   coord_to_unit (Settings.grid_unit, v)
#define TO_PCB_UNITS(v)   unit_to_coord (Settings.grid_unit, v)
#define SIDE_X(x)   ((gport->view.flip_x ? PCB->MaxWidth - (x) : (x)))
#define SIDE_Y(y)   ((gport->view.flip_y ? PCB->MaxHeight - (y) : (y)))
#define DRAW_X(x)   (gint)((SIDE_X(x) - gport->view.x0) / gport->view.coord_per_px)
#define DRAW_Y(y)   (gint)((SIDE_Y(y) - gport->view.y0) / gport->view.coord_per_px)
#define EVENT_TO_PCB_X(x)   SIDE_X((gint)((x) * gport->view.coord_per_px + gport->view.x0))
#define EVENT_TO_PCB_Y(y)   SIDE_Y((gint)((y) * gport->view.coord_per_px + gport->view.y0))
#define GHID_KEY_ALT   0x80
#define GHID_KEY_CONTROL   0x40
#define GHID_KEY_SHIFT   0x20
#define GHID_KEY_TAB   0x01
#define GHID_KEY_UP   0x02
#define GHID_KEY_DOWN   0x03
#define GHID_KEY_LEFT   0x04
#define GHID_KEY_RIGHT   0x05


enum  ModifierKeysState {
  SHIFT_CONTROL_PRESSED = M_Shift | M_Ctrl, SHIFT_MOD1_PRESSED = M_Shift | M_Mod(1), CONTROL_MOD1_PRESSED = M_Ctrl | M_Mod(1), SHIFT_CONTROL_MOD1_PRESSED = M_Shift | M_Ctrl | M_Mod(1)


void ghid_parse_arguments (gint *argc, gchar ***argv)
void ghid_do_export (HID_Attr_Val *options)
void ghid_create_pcb_widgets (void)
void ghid_window_set_name_label (gchar *name)
 Refreshes the window title bar and sets the PCB name to the window title bar or to a seperate label.
void ghid_interface_set_sensitive (gboolean sensitive)
 We'll set the interface insensitive when a g_main_loop is running so the Gtk menus and buttons don't respond and interfere with the special entry the user needs to be doing.
void ghid_interface_input_signals_connect (void)
 Connect just the signals a g_main_loop() will need.
void ghid_interface_input_signals_disconnect (void)
 Disconnect just the signals a g_main_loop() will need.
void ghid_pcb_saved_toggle_states_set (void)
void ghid_sync_with_new_layout (void)
 Sync toggle states that were saved with the layout and notify the config code to update Settings values it manages.
void ghid_change_selected_update_menu_actions (void)
void ghid_config_window_show ()
void ghid_config_handle_units_changed (void)
void ghid_config_start_backup_timer (void)
void ghid_config_text_scale_update (void)
void ghid_config_layer_name_update (gchar *name, gint layer)
void ghid_config_groups_changed (void)
void ghid_config_init (void)
void ghid_config_files_write (void)
void ghid_config_files_read (gint *argc, gchar ***argv)
void ghid_mode_buttons_update (void)
void ghid_pack_mode_buttons (void)
void ghid_layer_buttons_update (void)
 Synchronize layer selector widget with current PCB state.
void ghid_layer_buttons_color_update (void)
 Update a layer selector's color scheme.
void ghid_status_line_set_text (const gchar *text)
void ghid_cursor_position_label_set_text (gchar *text)
void ghid_cursor_position_relative_label_set_text (gchar *text)
void ghid_hand_cursor (void)
void ghid_point_cursor (void)
void ghid_watch_cursor (void)
void ghid_mode_cursor (gint mode)
void ghid_corner_cursor (void)
void ghid_restore_cursor (void)
void ghid_get_user_xy (const gchar *msg)
void ghid_create_abort_dialog (gchar *)
gboolean ghid_check_abort (void)
void ghid_end_abort (void)
void ghid_get_pointer (gint *, gint *)
void ghid_port_ranges_changed (void)
void ghid_port_ranges_scale (void)
gboolean ghid_note_event_location (GdkEventButton *ev)
gboolean ghid_port_key_press_cb (GtkWidget *drawing_area, GdkEventKey *kev, gpointer data)
gboolean ghid_port_key_release_cb (GtkWidget *drawing_area, GdkEventKey *kev, gpointer data)
gboolean ghid_port_button_press_cb (GtkWidget *drawing_area, GdkEventButton *ev, gpointer data)
gboolean ghid_port_button_release_cb (GtkWidget *drawing_area, GdkEventButton *ev, gpointer data)
gint ghid_port_window_enter_cb (GtkWidget *widget, GdkEventCrossing *ev, GHidPort *out)
gint ghid_port_window_leave_cb (GtkWidget *widget, GdkEventCrossing *ev, GHidPort *out)
gint ghid_port_window_motion_cb (GtkWidget *widget, GdkEventMotion *ev, GHidPort *out)
gint ghid_port_window_mouse_scroll_cb (GtkWidget *widget, GdkEventScroll *ev, GHidPort *out)
gint ghid_port_drawing_area_configure_event_cb (GtkWidget *widget, GdkEventConfigure *ev, GHidPort *out)
gchar * ghid_dialog_file_select_open (gchar *title, gchar **path, gchar *shortcuts)
GSList * ghid_dialog_file_select_multiple (gchar *title, gchar **path, gchar *shortcuts)
gchar * ghid_dialog_file_select_save (gchar *title, gchar **path, gchar *file, gchar *shortcuts)
void ghid_dialog_message (gchar *message)
gboolean ghid_dialog_confirm (gchar *message, gchar *cancelmsg, gchar *okmsg)
int ghid_dialog_close_confirm (void)
gint ghid_dialog_confirm_all (gchar *message)
gchar * ghid_dialog_input (const char *prompt, const char *initial)
void ghid_dialog_about (void)
char * ghid_fileselect (const char *, const char *, char *, char *, const char *, int)
void ghid_dialog_export (void)
void ghid_dialog_print (HID *)
int ghid_attribute_dialog (HID_Attribute *, int, HID_Attr_Val *, const char *, const char *)
void ghid_drc_window_show (gboolean raise)
void ghid_drc_window_reset_message (void)
void ghid_drc_window_append_violation (DrcViolationType *violation)
void ghid_drc_window_append_messagev (const char *fmt, va_list va)
int ghid_drc_window_throw_dialog (void)
void ghid_update_toggle_flags (void)
 sync the menu checkboxes with actual pcb state.
void ghid_notify_save_pcb (const char *file, bool done)
void ghid_notify_filename_changed (void)
void ghid_install_accel_groups (GtkWindow *window, GhidGui *gui)
 Install menu bar and accelerator groups.
void ghid_remove_accel_groups (GtkWindow *window, GhidGui *gui)
 Remove menu bar and accelerator groups.
void make_route_style_buttons (GHidRouteStyleSelector *rss)
 Configure the route style selector.
void layer_process (gchar **color_string, char **text, int *set, int i)
 Takes the index into the layers and produces the text string for the layer and if the layer is currently visible or not.
gboolean dup_string (gchar **dst, const gchar *src)
void free_glist_and_data (GList **list_head)
ModifierKeysState ghid_modifier_keys_state (GdkModifierType *state)
ButtonState ghid_button_state (GdkModifierType *state)
gboolean ghid_is_modifier_key_sym (gint ksym)
gboolean ghid_control_is_pressed (void)
gboolean ghid_mod1_is_pressed (void)
gboolean ghid_shift_is_pressed (void)
void ghid_draw_area_update (GHidPort *out, GdkRectangle *rect)
gchar * ghid_get_color_name (GdkColor *color)
void ghid_map_color_string (gchar *color_string, GdkColor *color)
gchar * ghid_entry_get_text (GtkWidget *entry)
void ghid_check_button_connected (GtkWidget *box, GtkWidget **button, gboolean active, gboolean pack_start, gboolean expand, gboolean fill, gint pad, void(*cb_func)(GtkToggleButton *, gpointer), gpointer data, gchar *string)
void ghid_button_connected (GtkWidget *box, GtkWidget **button, gboolean pack_start, gboolean expand, gboolean fill, gint pad, void(*cb_func)(gpointer), gpointer data, gchar *string)
void ghid_coord_entry (GtkWidget *box, GtkWidget **coord_entry, Coord value, Coord low, Coord high, enum ce_step_size step_size, gint width, void(*cb_func)(GHidCoordEntry *, gpointer), gpointer data, gboolean right_align, gchar *string)
void ghid_spin_button (GtkWidget *box, GtkWidget **spin_button, gfloat value, gfloat low, gfloat high, gfloat step0, gfloat step1, gint digits, gint width, void(*cb_func)(GtkSpinButton *, gpointer), gpointer data, gboolean right_align, gchar *string)
void ghid_table_coord_entry (GtkWidget *table, gint row, gint column, GtkWidget **coord_entry, Coord value, Coord low, Coord high, enum ce_step_size, gint width, void(*cb_func)(GHidCoordEntry *, gpointer), gpointer data, gboolean right_align, gchar *string)
void ghid_table_spin_button (GtkWidget *box, gint row, gint column, GtkWidget **spin_button, gfloat value, gfloat low, gfloat high, gfloat step0, gfloat step1, gint digits, gint width, void(*cb_func)(GtkSpinButton *, gpointer), gpointer data, gboolean right_align, gchar *string)
void ghid_range_control (GtkWidget *box, GtkWidget **scale_res, gboolean horizontal, GtkPositionType pos, gboolean set_draw_value, gint digits, gboolean pack_start, gboolean expand, gboolean fill, guint pad, gfloat value, gfloat low, gfloat high, gfloat step0, gfloat step1, void(*cb_func)(), gpointer data)
GtkWidget * ghid_scrolled_vbox (GtkWidget *box, GtkWidget **scr, GtkPolicyType h_policy, GtkPolicyType v_policy)
GtkWidget * ghid_framed_vbox (GtkWidget *box, gchar *label, gint frame_border_width, gboolean frame_expand, gint vbox_pad, gint vbox_border_width)
GtkWidget * ghid_framed_vbox_end (GtkWidget *box, gchar *label, gint frame_border_width, gboolean frame_expand, gint vbox_pad, gint vbox_border_width)
GtkWidget * ghid_category_vbox (GtkWidget *box, const gchar *category_header, gint header_pad, gint box_pad, gboolean pack_start, gboolean bottom_pad)
GtkWidget * ghid_notebook_page (GtkWidget *tabs, const char *name, gint pad, gint border)
GtkWidget * ghid_framed_notebook_page (GtkWidget *tabs, char *name, gint border, gint frame_border, gint vbox_pad, gint vbox_border)
GtkWidget * ghid_scrolled_text_view (GtkWidget *box, GtkWidget **scr, GtkPolicyType h_policy, GtkPolicyType v_policy)
void ghid_text_view_append (GtkWidget *view, gchar *string)
void ghid_text_view_append_strings (GtkWidget *view, gchar **string, gint n_strings)
GtkTreeSelection * ghid_scrolled_selection (GtkTreeView *treeview, GtkWidget *box, GtkSelectionMode s_mode, GtkPolicyType h_policy, GtkPolicyType v_policy, void(*func_cb)(GtkTreeSelection *, gpointer), gpointer data)
void ghid_dialog_report (gchar *title, gchar *message)
void ghid_label_set_markup (GtkWidget *label, const gchar *text)
void ghid_set_cursor_position_labels (void)
void ghid_set_status_line_label (void)
void ghid_netlist_window_create (GHidPort *out)
void ghid_netlist_window_show (GHidPort *out, gboolean raise)
void ghid_netlist_window_update (gboolean init_nodes)
LibraryMenuTypeghid_get_net_from_node_name (gchar *name, gboolean)
void ghid_netlist_highlight_node (gchar *name)
void ghid_handle_user_command (gboolean raise)
void ghid_command_window_show (gboolean raise)
 If ghidgui->use_command_window is TRUE this will get called from ActionCommand() to show the command window.
gchar * ghid_command_entry_get (gchar *prompt, gchar *command)
 This is the command entry function called from ActionCommand() when ghidgui->use_command_window is FALSE.
void ghid_command_use_command_window_sync (void)
 If ghidgui->use_command_window toggles, the config code calls this to ensure the command_combo_box is set up for living in the right place.
void ghid_keyref_window_show (gboolean raise)
void ghid_library_window_create (GHidPort *out)
 Creates a library dialog.
void ghid_library_window_show (GHidPort *out, gboolean raise)
 Show the library dialog.
void ghid_log_window_create ()
void ghid_log_window_show (gboolean raise)
void ghid_log (const char *fmt,...)
void ghid_logv (const char *fmt, va_list args)
void ghid_pinout_window_show (GHidPort *out, ElementType *Element)
int ghid_set_layer (const char *name, int group, int empty)
hidGC ghid_make_gc (void)
void ghid_destroy_gc (hidGC)
void ghid_use_mask (enum mask_mode mode)
void ghid_set_color (hidGC gc, const char *name)
void ghid_set_line_cap (hidGC gc, EndCapStyle style)
void ghid_set_line_width (hidGC gc, Coord width)
void ghid_set_draw_xor (hidGC gc, int _xor)
void ghid_draw_grid (BoxType *region)
 Draw the grid on the 2D canvas.
void ghid_draw_line (hidGC gc, Coord x1, Coord y1, Coord x2, Coord y2)
void ghid_draw_arc (hidGC gc, Coord cx, Coord cy, Coord xradius, Coord yradius, Angle start_angle, Angle delta_angle)
void ghid_draw_rect (hidGC gc, Coord x1, Coord y1, Coord x2, Coord y2)
void ghid_fill_circle (hidGC gc, Coord cx, Coord cy, Coord radius)
void ghid_fill_polygon (hidGC gc, int n_coords, Coord *x, Coord *y)
void ghid_fill_rect (hidGC gc, Coord x1, Coord y1, Coord x2, Coord y2)
void ghid_invalidate_lr (Coord left, Coord right, Coord top, Coord bottom)
void ghid_invalidate_all ()
void ghid_notify_crosshair_change (bool changes_complete)
void ghid_notify_mark_change (bool changes_complete)
void ghid_init_renderer (int *, char ***, GHidPort *)
void ghid_shutdown_renderer (GHidPort *)
void ghid_init_drawing_widget (GtkWidget *widget, GHidPort *)
void ghid_drawing_area_configure_hook (GHidPort *port)
void ghid_screen_update (void)
gboolean ghid_drawing_area_expose_cb (GtkWidget *, GdkEventExpose *, GHidPort *)
void ghid_port_drawing_realize_cb (GtkWidget *, gpointer)
gboolean ghid_pinout_preview_expose (GtkWidget *widget, GdkEventExpose *ev)
GdkPixmap * ghid_render_pixmap (int cx, int cy, double zoom, int width, int height, int depth)
HID_DRAWghid_request_debug_draw (void)
void ghid_flush_debug_draw (void)
void ghid_finish_debug_draw (void)
bool ghid_event_to_pcb_coords (int event_x, int event_y, Coord *pcb_x, Coord *pcb_y)
bool ghid_pcb_to_event_coords (Coord pcb_x, Coord pcb_y, int *event_x, int *event_y)
void ghid_port_rotate (void *ball, float *quarternion, gpointer userdata)
void ghid_view_2d (void *ball, gboolean view_2d, gpointer userdata)
void ghid_lead_user_to_location (Coord x, Coord y)
void ghid_cancel_lead_user (void)
void ghid_pan_view_rel (Coord dx, Coord dy)
void ghid_get_coords (const char *msg, Coord *x, Coord *y)
gint PCBChanged (int argc, char **argv, Coord x, Coord y)
static int Vx (Coord x)
static int Vy (Coord y)
static int Vz (Coord z)
static Coord Px (int x)
static Coord Py (int y)
static Coord Pz (int z)


GhidGui _ghidgui
GHidPort ghid_port
GdkPixmap * XC_hand_source
GdkPixmap * XC_hand_mask
GdkPixmap * XC_lock_source
GdkPixmap * XC_lock_mask
GdkPixmap * XC_clock_source
GdkPixmap * XC_clock_mask

Define Documentation

#define DRAW_X (   x)    (gint)((SIDE_X(x) - gport->view.x0) / gport->view.coord_per_px)

Definition at line 70 of file gui.h.

Referenced by draw_crosshair(), and ghid_pcb_to_event_coords().

#define DRAW_Y (   y)    (gint)((SIDE_Y(y) - gport->view.y0) / gport->view.coord_per_px)

Definition at line 71 of file gui.h.

Referenced by draw_crosshair(), and ghid_pcb_to_event_coords().

#define EVENT_TO_PCB_X (   x)    SIDE_X((gint)((x) * gport->view.coord_per_px + gport->view.x0))

Definition at line 73 of file gui.h.

Referenced by ghid_event_to_pcb_coords().

#define EVENT_TO_PCB_Y (   y)    SIDE_Y((gint)((y) * gport->view.coord_per_px + gport->view.y0))

Definition at line 74 of file gui.h.

Referenced by ghid_event_to_pcb_coords().

#define FROM_PCB_UNITS (   v)    coord_to_unit (Settings.grid_unit, v)

Definition at line 64 of file gui.h.

#define GHID_KEY_ALT   0x80

Definition at line 84 of file gui.h.

Referenced by ghid_port_key_press_cb(), and REGISTER_ACTIONS().

#define GHID_KEY_CONTROL   0x40

Definition at line 85 of file gui.h.

Referenced by ghid_port_key_press_cb(), and REGISTER_ACTIONS().

#define GHID_KEY_DOWN   0x03

Definition at line 91 of file gui.h.

Referenced by ghid_port_key_press_cb(), and REGISTER_ACTIONS().

#define GHID_KEY_LEFT   0x04

Definition at line 92 of file gui.h.

Referenced by ghid_port_key_press_cb(), and REGISTER_ACTIONS().

#define GHID_KEY_RIGHT   0x05

Definition at line 93 of file gui.h.

Referenced by ghid_port_key_press_cb(), and REGISTER_ACTIONS().

#define GHID_KEY_SHIFT   0x20

Definition at line 86 of file gui.h.

Referenced by ghid_port_key_press_cb(), and REGISTER_ACTIONS().

#define GHID_KEY_TAB   0x01

Definition at line 89 of file gui.h.

Referenced by ghid_port_key_press_cb(), and REGISTER_ACTIONS().

#define GHID_KEY_UP   0x02

Definition at line 90 of file gui.h.

Referenced by ghid_port_key_press_cb(), and REGISTER_ACTIONS().


Definition at line 325 of file gui.h.

Referenced by ghid_close_confirm_dialog(), and ghid_dialog_close_confirm().


Definition at line 326 of file gui.h.

Referenced by ghid_close_confirm_dialog(), and ghid_dialog_close_confirm().


Definition at line 327 of file gui.h.

Referenced by ghid_close_confirm_dialog(), and ghid_dialog_close_confirm().


Definition at line 314 of file gui.h.

Referenced by ghid_dialog_confirm_all().


Definition at line 57 of file gui.h.


Definition at line 51 of file gui.h.

#define SIDE_X (   x)    ((gport->view.flip_x ? PCB->MaxWidth - (x) : (x)))
#define SIDE_Y (   y)    ((gport->view.flip_y ? PCB->MaxHeight - (y) : (y)))
#define TO_PCB_UNITS (   v)    unit_to_coord (Settings.grid_unit, v)

Definition at line 65 of file gui.h.

Referenced by ghid_config_files_read().

Enumeration Type Documentation


Definition at line 221 of file gui.h.


Definition at line 208 of file gui.h.

Function Documentation

void free_glist_and_data ( GList **  list_head)

Definition at line 58 of file gui-utils.c.

void ghid_button_connected ( GtkWidget *  box,
GtkWidget **  button,
gboolean  pack_start,
gboolean  expand,
gboolean  fill,
gint  pad,
void(*)(gpointer)  cb_func,
gpointer  data,
gchar *  string 

Definition at line 233 of file gui-utils.c.

Referenced by config_colors_tab_create().

ButtonState ghid_button_state ( GdkModifierType *  state)
void ghid_cancel_lead_user ( void  )
GtkWidget* ghid_category_vbox ( GtkWidget *  box,
const gchar *  category_header,
gint  header_pad,
gint  box_pad,
gboolean  pack_start,
gboolean  bottom_pad 
void ghid_change_selected_update_menu_actions ( void  )
gboolean ghid_check_abort ( void  )

Definition at line 376 of file gui-misc.c.

References FALSE.

void ghid_check_button_connected ( GtkWidget *  box,
GtkWidget **  button,
gboolean  active,
gboolean  pack_start,
gboolean  expand,
gboolean  fill,
gint  pad,
void(*)(GtkToggleButton *, gpointer)  cb_func,
gpointer  data,
gchar *  string 
gchar* ghid_command_entry_get ( gchar *  prompt,
gchar *  command 

This is the command entry function called from ActionCommand() when ghidgui->use_command_window is FALSE.

The command_combo_box is already packed into the status line label hbox in this case.

Definition at line 431 of file gui-command-window.c.

References GhidGui::command_combo_box, command_combo_box_entry_create(), command_entered, GhidGui::command_entry, GhidGui::command_entry_status_line_active, command_escape_cb(), GHidPort::drawing_area, FALSE, ghid_install_accel_groups(), ghid_interface_input_signals_connect(), ghid_interface_input_signals_disconnect(), ghid_interface_set_sensitive(), ghid_port, ghid_remove_accel_groups(), ghid_status_line_set_text(), ghidgui, gport, loop, s, GhidGui::status_line_hbox, GHidPort::top_window, and TRUE.

Referenced by ghid_handle_user_command().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void ghid_command_use_command_window_sync ( void  )

If ghidgui->use_command_window toggles, the config code calls this to ensure the command_combo_box is set up for living in the right place.

Definition at line 332 of file gui-command-window.c.

References GhidGui::command_combo_box, command_window, command_window_close_cb(), FALSE, ghidgui, GhidGui::status_line_hbox, and GhidGui::use_command_window.

Referenced by config_command_window_toggle_cb().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void ghid_command_window_show ( gboolean  raise)

If ghidgui->use_command_window is TRUE this will get called from ActionCommand() to show the command window.

Definition at line 362 of file gui-command-window.c.

References _, combo_vbox, GhidGui::command_combo_box, command_combo_box_entry_create(), command_destroy_cb(), command_escape_cb(), command_ref_text, command_window, command_window_close_cb(), command_window_delete_event_cb(), FALSE, ghid_scrolled_text_view(), ghid_text_view_append(), ghidgui, and TRUE.

Referenced by ghid_handle_user_command().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void ghid_config_layer_name_update ( gchar *  name,
gint  layer 

Definition at line 1763 of file gui-config.c.

References config_layer_group_button_state_update(), config_window, FALSE, groups_modified, layer_entry, PCBType::LayerGroups, layers_applying, and PCB.

Here is the call graph for this function:

void ghid_config_start_backup_timer ( void  )
void ghid_config_text_scale_update ( void  )
gboolean ghid_control_is_pressed ( void  )

Definition at line 251 of file gtkhid-main.c.

References GHidPort::drawing_area, FALSE, ghid_port, ghidgui, GhidGui::is_up, and TRUE.

Referenced by REGISTER_FLAGS().

void ghid_coord_entry ( GtkWidget *  box,
GtkWidget **  coord_entry,
Coord  value,
Coord  low,
Coord  high,
enum ce_step_size  step_size,
gint  width,
void(*)(GHidCoordEntry *, gpointer)  cb_func,
gpointer  data,
gboolean  right_align,
gchar *  string 

Definition at line 255 of file gui-utils.c.

References FALSE, GHID_COORD_ENTRY, ghid_coord_entry_new(), SettingType::grid_unit, Settings, and TRUE.

Here is the call graph for this function:

void ghid_corner_cursor ( void  )
void ghid_create_abort_dialog ( gchar *  )
void ghid_create_pcb_widgets ( void  )
void ghid_cursor_position_label_set_text ( gchar *  text)

Definition at line 68 of file gui-misc.c.

References GhidGui::cursor_position_absolute_label, ghid_label_set_markup(), and ghidgui.

Referenced by ghid_set_cursor_position_labels().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void ghid_cursor_position_relative_label_set_text ( gchar *  text)

Definition at line 74 of file gui-misc.c.

References GhidGui::cursor_position_relative_label, ghid_label_set_markup(), and ghidgui.

Referenced by ghid_set_cursor_position_labels().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void ghid_destroy_gc ( hidGC  )

Definition at line 146 of file gtkhid-gdk.c.

References hid_gc_struct::gc.

Referenced by REGISTER_FLAGS().

void ghid_dialog_about ( void  )

Definition at line 92 of file gui-dialog.c.

References GetInfoString(), ghid_port, and GHidPort::top_window.

Referenced by About().

Here is the call graph for this function:

gboolean ghid_dialog_confirm ( gchar *  message,
gchar *  cancelmsg,
gchar *  okmsg 

Definition at line 158 of file gui-dialog.c.

References _, FALSE, ghid_port, GHidPort::top_window, TRUE, x, and y.

gint ghid_dialog_confirm_all ( gchar *  message)

Definition at line 109 of file gui-dialog.c.

References _, FALSE, ghid_framed_vbox(), ghid_port, GUI_DIALOG_RESPONSE_ALL, and GHidPort::top_window.

Here is the call graph for this function:

void ghid_dialog_export ( void  )

Definition at line 408 of file gui-dialog-print.c.

References _, export_dialog, exporter, exporter_clicked_cb(), FALSE, ghid_port, gui, hid_enumerate(), hid_st::log, GHidPort::top_window, and TRUE.

Referenced by Export().

Here is the call graph for this function:

GSList* ghid_dialog_file_select_multiple ( gchar *  title,
gchar **  path,
gchar *  shortcuts 

Definition at line 375 of file gui-dialog.c.

References _, dup_string(), ghid_port, GHidPort::top_window, and TRUE.

Referenced by ImportGUI().

Here is the call graph for this function:

gchar* ghid_dialog_file_select_open ( gchar *  title,
gchar **  path,
gchar *  shortcuts 

Definition at line 268 of file gui-dialog.c.

References _, dup_string(), ghid_port, and GHidPort::top_window.

Referenced by config_color_load_cb(), and Load().

Here is the call graph for this function:

gchar* ghid_dialog_file_select_save ( gchar *  title,
gchar **  path,
gchar *  file,
gchar *  shortcuts 

Definition at line 458 of file gui-dialog.c.

References dup_string(), ghid_port, GHidPort::top_window, and TRUE.

Referenced by config_color_save_cb(), and Save().

Here is the call graph for this function:

gchar* ghid_dialog_input ( const char *  prompt,
const char *  initial 

Definition at line 44 of file gui-dialog.c.

References _, FALSE, ghid_port, GHidPort::top_window, and TRUE.

Referenced by ghid_fileselect(), and ghid_prompt_for().

void ghid_dialog_message ( gchar *  message)

Definition at line 141 of file gui-dialog.c.

References ghid_port, and GHidPort::top_window.

Referenced by config_color_save_cb().

void ghid_dialog_print ( HID )

Definition at line 363 of file gui-dialog-print.c.

References _, __FUNCTION__, hid_st::description, hid_st::do_export, export_dialog, exporter, hid_st::get_export_options, ghid_attribute_dialog(), malloc(), and n.

Referenced by exporter_clicked_cb(), and Print().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void ghid_dialog_report ( gchar *  title,
gchar *  message 

Definition at line 647 of file gui-utils.c.

References FALSE, ghid_port, ghid_scrolled_vbox(), s, and GHidPort::top_window.

Referenced by ghid_report_dialog().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void ghid_draw_arc ( hidGC  gc,
Coord  cx,
Coord  cy,
Coord  xradius,
Coord  yradius,
Angle  start_angle,
Angle  delta_angle 
void ghid_draw_area_update ( GHidPort out,
GdkRectangle *  rect 
void ghid_draw_line ( hidGC  gc,
Coord  x1,
Coord  y1,
Coord  x2,
Coord  y2 
void ghid_draw_rect ( hidGC  gc,
Coord  x1,
Coord  y1,
Coord  x2,
Coord  y2 
void ghid_drc_window_append_messagev ( const char *  fmt,
va_list  va 
void ghid_drc_window_append_violation ( DrcViolationType violation)

Definition at line 847 of file gui-drc-window.c.

References drc_list_model, DRC_VIOLATION_NUM_COL, DRC_VIOLATION_OBJ_COL, FALSE, ghid_drc_violation_new(), ghid_drc_window_show(), and num_violations.

Here is the call graph for this function:

void ghid_drc_window_reset_message ( void  )

Definition at line 868 of file gui-drc-window.c.

References drc_list_model, and num_violations.

int ghid_drc_window_throw_dialog ( void  )

Definition at line 875 of file gui-drc-window.c.

References ghid_drc_window_show(), and TRUE.

Here is the call graph for this function:

void ghid_end_abort ( void  )

Definition at line 382 of file gui-misc.c.

gchar* ghid_entry_get_text ( GtkWidget *  entry)
bool ghid_event_to_pcb_coords ( int  event_x,
int  event_y,
Coord pcb_x,
Coord pcb_y 

Definition at line 1313 of file gtkhid-gdk.c.

References EVENT_TO_PCB_X, EVENT_TO_PCB_Y, and ghid_unproject_to_z_plane().

Referenced by ghid_note_event_location(), and ghid_set_crosshair().

Here is the call graph for this function:

char* ghid_fileselect ( const char *  ,
const char *  ,
char *  ,
char *  ,
const char *  ,
void ghid_fill_circle ( hidGC  gc,
Coord  cx,
Coord  cy,
Coord  radius 
void ghid_fill_polygon ( hidGC  gc,
int  n_coords,
Coord x,
Coord y 

Definition at line 682 of file gtkhid-gdk.c.

References GHidPort::drawable, gport, hidgl_fill_polygon(), realloc(), GHidPort::render_priv, render_priv::u_gc, USE_GC, Vx(), and Vy().

Referenced by REGISTER_FLAGS().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void ghid_fill_rect ( hidGC  gc,
Coord  x1,
Coord  y1,
Coord  x2,
Coord  y2 
void ghid_finish_debug_draw ( void  )

Definition at line 1305 of file gtkhid-gdk.c.

References buffer, GHidPort::drawing_area, ghid_end_drawing(), ghid_flush_debug_draw(), gport, hidgl_finish_render(), and hidgl_flush_triangles().

Referenced by REGISTER_FLAGS().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void ghid_flush_debug_draw ( void  )

Definition at line 1298 of file gtkhid-gdk.c.

References buffer, GHidPort::drawing_area, ghid_screen_update(), gport, and hidgl_flush_triangles().

Referenced by ghid_finish_debug_draw(), and REGISTER_FLAGS().

Here is the call graph for this function:

GtkWidget* ghid_framed_notebook_page ( GtkWidget *  tabs,
char *  name,
gint  border,
gint  frame_border,
gint  vbox_pad,
gint  vbox_border 

Definition at line 635 of file gui-utils.c.

References ghid_framed_vbox(), ghid_notebook_page(), and TRUE.

Here is the call graph for this function:

GtkWidget* ghid_framed_vbox ( GtkWidget *  box,
gchar *  label,
gint  frame_border_width,
gboolean  frame_expand,
gint  vbox_pad,
gint  vbox_border_width 

Definition at line 521 of file gui-utils.c.

References FALSE.

Referenced by ghid_dialog_confirm_all(), and ghid_framed_notebook_page().

GtkWidget* ghid_framed_vbox_end ( GtkWidget *  box,
gchar *  label,
gint  frame_border_width,
gboolean  frame_expand,
gint  vbox_pad,
gint  vbox_border_width 

Definition at line 538 of file gui-utils.c.

References FALSE.

gchar* ghid_get_color_name ( GdkColor *  color)

Definition at line 159 of file gui-utils.c.

Referenced by config_color_set_cb().

void ghid_get_coords ( const char *  msg,
Coord x,
Coord y 

Definition at line 111 of file gui-output-events.c.

References ghid_get_user_xy(), ghid_port, gport, GHidPort::has_entered, GHidPort::pcb_x, and GHidPort::pcb_y.

Referenced by REGISTER_FLAGS().

Here is the call graph for this function:

LibraryMenuType* ghid_get_net_from_node_name ( gchar *  name,
void ghid_get_pointer ( gint *  ,
gint *   
void ghid_get_user_xy ( const gchar *  msg)
void ghid_hand_cursor ( void  )

Definition at line 131 of file gui-misc.c.

References gport_set_cursor(), and oldCursor.

Referenced by run_get_location_loop().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void ghid_handle_user_command ( gboolean  raise)
void ghid_init_drawing_widget ( GtkWidget *  widget,
void ghid_interface_input_signals_connect ( void  )

Connect just the signals a g_main_loop() will need.

Cursor and motion events still need to be handled by the top level loop, so don't connect/reconnect these. A g_main_loop will be running when PCB wants the user to select a location or if command entry is needed in the status line hbox. During these times normal button/key presses are intercepted, either by new signal handlers or the command_combo_box entry.

Definition at line 1545 of file gui-top-window.c.

References button_press_handler, button_release_handler, GHidPort::drawing_area, ghid_port_button_press_cb(), ghid_port_button_release_cb(), ghid_port_key_press_cb(), ghid_port_key_release_cb(), ghid_port_window_mouse_scroll_cb(), key_press_handler, key_release_handler, and scroll_event_handler.

Referenced by ghid_build_pcb_top_window(), ghid_command_entry_get(), and run_get_location_loop().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void ghid_interface_input_signals_disconnect ( void  )

Disconnect just the signals a g_main_loop() will need.

Cursor and motion events still need to be handled by the top level loop, so don't disconnect these. A g_main_loop will be running when PCB wants the user to select a location or if command entry is needed in the status line hbox. During these times normal button/key presses are intercepted, either by new signal handlers or the command_combo_box entry.

Definition at line 1579 of file gui-top-window.c.

References button_press_handler, button_release_handler, GHidPort::drawing_area, key_press_handler, key_release_handler, and scroll_event_handler.

Referenced by ghid_command_entry_get(), and run_get_location_loop().

void ghid_interface_set_sensitive ( gboolean  sensitive)

We'll set the interface insensitive when a g_main_loop is running so the Gtk menus and buttons don't respond and interfere with the special entry the user needs to be doing.

Definition at line 1610 of file gui-top-window.c.

References GhidGui::left_toolbar, and GhidGui::menu_hbox.

Referenced by ghid_command_entry_get(), and run_get_location_loop().

void ghid_invalidate_lr ( Coord  left,
Coord  right,
Coord  top,
Coord  bottom 

Definition at line 864 of file gtkhid-gdk.c.

References ghid_invalidate_all(), ghid_screen_update(), MAX, maxx, maxy, MIN, minx, miny, redraw_region(), Vx(), and Vy().

Referenced by REGISTER_FLAGS().

Here is the call graph for this function:

gboolean ghid_is_modifier_key_sym ( gint  ksym)

Definition at line 73 of file gui-utils.c.

References FALSE, and TRUE.

Referenced by ghid_port_key_press_cb(), ghid_port_key_release_cb(), and loop_key_press_cb().

void ghid_keyref_window_show ( gboolean  raise)
void ghid_label_set_markup ( GtkWidget *  label,
const gchar *  text 
void ghid_layer_buttons_color_update ( void  )

Update a layer selector's color scheme.

Definition at line 849 of file gui-top-window.c.

References get_layer_color(), GHID_LAYER_SELECTOR, ghid_layer_selector_update_colors(), GhidGui::layer_selector, PCB, and pcb_colors_from_settings().

Referenced by config_color_defaults_cb(), config_color_load_cb(), and config_color_set_cb().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void ghid_layer_buttons_update ( void  )

Synchronize layer selector widget with current PCB state.

Called when user toggles layer visibility or changes drawing layer, or when layer visibility is changed programatically.

Definition at line 892 of file gui-top-window.c.

References get_layer_delete(), GHID_LAYER_SELECTOR, ghid_layer_selector_delete_layers(), ghid_layer_selector_select_layer(), GHID_MAIN_MENU, ghid_main_menu_install_layer_selector(), ignore_layer_update, layer, LAYER_BUTTON_RATS, LAYER_BUTTON_SILK, GhidGui::layer_selector, LayerStack, make_layer_buttons(), make_virtual_layer_buttons(), GhidGui::menu_bar, PCB, PCBType::RatDraw, and PCBType::SilkActive.

Referenced by config_layers_apply(), ghid_do_export(), layer_name_entry_cb(), layer_selector_rename_callback(), and LayersChanged().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void ghid_library_window_create ( GHidPort out)

Creates a library dialog.

Function Description
This function create the library dialog if it is not already created. It does not show the dialog, use ghid_library_window_show for that.

Definition at line 152 of file gui-library-window.c.

References _, SettingType::AutoPlace, GHID_LIBRARY_WINDOW, GHID_TYPE_LIBRARY_WINDOW, ghidgui, library_window, library_window_callback_response(), library_window_configure_event_cb(), GhidGui::library_window_height, GhidGui::library_window_width, and Settings.

Referenced by ghid_library_window_show().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void ghid_library_window_show ( GHidPort out,
gboolean  raise 

Show the library dialog.

Function Description
This function show the library dialog, creating it if it is not already created, and presents it to the user (brings it to the front with focus).

Definition at line 204 of file gui-library-window.c.

References ghid_library_window_create(), and library_window.

Referenced by DoWindows().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void ghid_log ( const char *  fmt,

Definition at line 132 of file gui-log-window.c.

References ghid_logv().

Referenced by REGISTER_FLAGS().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void ghid_log_window_show ( gboolean  raise)

Definition at line 113 of file gui-log-window.c.

References ghid_log_window_create(), and log_window.

Referenced by DoWindows(), and ghid_log_append_string().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void ghid_logv ( const char *  fmt,
va_list  args 

Definition at line 141 of file gui-log-window.c.

References ghid_log_append_string(), and pcb_vprintf().

Referenced by ghid_log(), and REGISTER_FLAGS().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void ghid_map_color_string ( gchar *  color_string,
GdkColor *  color 
gboolean ghid_mod1_is_pressed ( void  )

Definition at line 265 of file gtkhid-main.c.

References GHidPort::drawing_area, FALSE, ghid_port, ghidgui, GhidGui::is_up, and TRUE.

Referenced by REGISTER_FLAGS().

void ghid_mode_cursor ( gint  mode)
void ghid_netlist_highlight_node ( gchar *  name)

Definition at line 937 of file gui-netlist-window.c.

References FALSE, ghid_get_net_from_node_name(), ggnfnn_task::iter, node_model, node_model_update(), NODE_NAME_COLUMN, node_treeview, selection_holdoff, and TRUE.

Referenced by GhidNetlistShow().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void ghid_netlist_window_show ( GHidPort out,
gboolean  raise 

Definition at line 836 of file gui-netlist-window.c.

References ghid_netlist_window_create(), ghid_netlist_window_update(), netlist_window, and TRUE.

Referenced by DoWindows(), and GhidNetlistPresent().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void ghid_netlist_window_update ( gboolean  init_nodes)
GtkWidget* ghid_notebook_page ( GtkWidget *  tabs,
const char *  name,
gint  pad,
gint  border 

Definition at line 620 of file gui-utils.c.

References FALSE.

Referenced by config_layers_tab_create(), and ghid_framed_notebook_page().

void ghid_notify_crosshair_change ( bool  changes_complete)
void ghid_notify_filename_changed ( void  )

Definition at line 455 of file gui-top-window.c.

References update_board_mtime_from_disk().

Referenced by REGISTER_FLAGS().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void ghid_notify_mark_change ( bool  changes_complete)
void ghid_notify_save_pcb ( const char *  file,
bool  done 

Definition at line 443 of file gui-top-window.c.

References PCBType::Filename, PCB, and update_board_mtime_from_disk().

Referenced by REGISTER_FLAGS().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void ghid_pack_mode_buttons ( void  )
void ghid_pan_view_rel ( Coord  dx,
Coord  dy 

Definition at line 54 of file gtkhid-main.c.

References gport, pan_common(), GHidPort::view, view_data::x0, and view_data::y0.

Referenced by ghid_port_window_motion_cb(), and ScrollAction().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void ghid_parse_arguments ( gint *  argc,
gchar ***  argv 
void ghid_pcb_saved_toggle_states_set ( void  )
bool ghid_pcb_to_event_coords ( Coord  pcb_x,
Coord  pcb_y,
int *  event_x,
int *  event_y 

Definition at line 1322 of file gtkhid-gdk.c.

References DRAW_X, DRAW_Y, and last_modelview_matrix.

Referenced by Center(), ghid_flip_view(), and ghid_set_crosshair().

void ghid_pinout_window_show ( GHidPort out,
ElementType Element 
void ghid_point_cursor ( void  )

Definition at line 125 of file gui-misc.c.

References gport_set_cursor(), and oldCursor.

Referenced by PointCursor().

Here is the call graph for this function:

gboolean ghid_port_button_press_cb ( GtkWidget *  drawing_area,
GdkEventButton *  ev,
gpointer  data 
gboolean ghid_port_button_release_cb ( GtkWidget *  drawing_area,
GdkEventButton *  ev,
gpointer  data 
gint ghid_port_drawing_area_configure_event_cb ( GtkWidget *  widget,
GdkEventConfigure *  ev,
GHidPort out 
void ghid_port_drawing_realize_cb ( GtkWidget *  ,

Definition at line 1171 of file gtkhid-gdk.c.

Referenced by ghid_build_pcb_top_window().

gboolean ghid_port_key_press_cb ( GtkWidget *  drawing_area,
GdkEventKey *  kev,
gpointer  data 
gboolean ghid_port_key_release_cb ( GtkWidget *  drawing_area,
GdkEventKey *  kev,
gpointer  data 
void ghid_port_ranges_changed ( void  )

Definition at line 56 of file gui-output-events.c.

References ghid_invalidate_all(), ghidgui, gport, GhidGui::h_range, GhidGui::v_range, GHidPort::view, view_data::x0, and view_data::y0.

Referenced by h_adjustment_changed_cb(), pan_common(), and v_adjustment_changed_cb().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void ghid_port_rotate ( void *  ball,
float *  quarternion,
gpointer  userdata 

Definition at line 1571 of file gtkhid-gl.c.

References build_rotmatrix(), ghid_invalidate_all(), and view_matrix.

Referenced by ghid_build_pcb_top_window().

Here is the call graph for this function:

gint ghid_port_window_enter_cb ( GtkWidget *  widget,
GdkEventCrossing *  ev,
GHidPort out 
gint ghid_port_window_leave_cb ( GtkWidget *  widget,
GdkEventCrossing *  ev,
GHidPort out 

Definition at line 570 of file gui-output-events.c.

References FALSE, ghid_screen_update(), and GHidPort::has_entered.

Referenced by ghid_build_pcb_top_window().

Here is the call graph for this function:

gint ghid_port_window_motion_cb ( GtkWidget *  widget,
GdkEventMotion *  ev,
GHidPort out 

Definition at line 510 of file gui-output-events.c.

References view_data::coord_per_px, FALSE, ghid_note_event_location(), ghid_pan_view_rel(), gport, GHidPort::panning, queue_tooltip_update(), and GHidPort::view.

Referenced by ghid_build_pcb_top_window().

Here is the call graph for this function:

gint ghid_port_window_mouse_scroll_cb ( GtkWidget *  widget,
GdkEventScroll *  ev,
GHidPort out 

Definition at line 598 of file gui-output-events.c.

References do_mouse_action(), ghid_modifier_keys_state(), and TRUE.

Referenced by ghid_interface_input_signals_connect().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void ghid_range_control ( GtkWidget *  box,
GtkWidget **  scale_res,
gboolean  horizontal,
GtkPositionType  pos,
gboolean  set_draw_value,
gint  digits,
gboolean  pack_start,
gboolean  expand,
gboolean  fill,
guint  pad,
gfloat  value,
gfloat  low,
gfloat  high,
gfloat  step0,
gfloat  step1,
void(*)()  cb_func,
gpointer  data 

Definition at line 458 of file gui-utils.c.

References scale.

void ghid_remove_accel_groups ( GtkWindow *  window,
GhidGui gui 
void ghid_restore_cursor ( void  )

Definition at line 233 of file gui-misc.c.

References gport_set_cursor(), and oldCursor.

Referenced by run_get_location_loop().

Here is the call graph for this function:

GtkTreeSelection* ghid_scrolled_selection ( GtkTreeView *  treeview,
GtkWidget *  box,
GtkSelectionMode  s_mode,
GtkPolicyType  h_policy,
GtkPolicyType  v_policy,
void(*)(GtkTreeSelection *, gpointer)  func_cb,
gpointer  data 

Definition at line 595 of file gui-utils.c.

References TRUE.

Referenced by ghid_netlist_window_create().

GtkWidget* ghid_scrolled_text_view ( GtkWidget *  box,
GtkWidget **  scr,
GtkPolicyType  h_policy,
GtkPolicyType  v_policy 
GtkWidget* ghid_scrolled_vbox ( GtkWidget *  box,
GtkWidget **  scr,
GtkPolicyType  h_policy,
GtkPolicyType  v_policy 

Definition at line 499 of file gui-utils.c.

References FALSE, and TRUE.

Referenced by config_colors_tab_create(), ghid_build_pcb_top_window(), and ghid_dialog_report().

void ghid_set_color ( hidGC  gc,
const char *  name 
void ghid_set_draw_xor ( hidGC  gc,
int  _xor 

Definition at line 514 of file gtkhid-gdk.c.

References hid_gc_struct::colorname, hid_gc_struct::gc, ghid_set_color(), and hid_gc_struct::xor_mask.

Referenced by REGISTER_FLAGS(), and use_gc().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void ghid_set_line_cap ( hidGC  gc,
EndCapStyle  style 

Definition at line 478 of file gtkhid-gdk.c.

References Beveled_Cap, hid_gc_struct::cap, hid_gc_struct::gc, gport, hid_gc_struct::join, GHidPort::render_priv, Round_Cap, Square_Cap, style, Trace_Cap, Vz(), WHICH_GC, and hid_gc_struct::width.

Referenced by REGISTER_FLAGS(), and use_gc().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void ghid_set_line_width ( hidGC  gc,
Coord  width 

Definition at line 502 of file gtkhid-gdk.c.

References hid_gc_struct::cap, hid_gc_struct::gc, gport, hid_gc_struct::join, GHidPort::render_priv, Vz(), WHICH_GC, and hid_gc_struct::width.

Referenced by REGISTER_FLAGS(), and use_gc().

Here is the call graph for this function:

gboolean ghid_shift_is_pressed ( void  )

Definition at line 237 of file gtkhid-main.c.

References GHidPort::drawing_area, FALSE, ghid_port, ghidgui, GhidGui::is_up, and TRUE.

Referenced by ghid_mode_cursor(), and REGISTER_FLAGS().

void ghid_shutdown_renderer ( GHidPort )

Definition at line 1101 of file gtkhid-gdk.c.

References render_priv::crosshair_gc, hid_draw_st::destroy_gc, ghid_cancel_lead_user(), hid_st::graphics, gui, and GHidPort::render_priv.

Referenced by destroy_chart_cb().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void ghid_spin_button ( GtkWidget *  box,
GtkWidget **  spin_button,
gfloat  value,
gfloat  low,
gfloat  high,
gfloat  step0,
gfloat  step1,
gint  digits,
gint  width,
void(*)(GtkSpinButton *, gpointer)  cb_func,
gpointer  data,
gboolean  right_align,
gchar *  string 

Definition at line 300 of file gui-utils.c.

References FALSE, and TRUE.

Referenced by config_general_tab_create(), and ghid_attribute_dialog().

void ghid_status_line_set_text ( const gchar *  text)
void ghid_sync_with_new_layout ( void  )

Sync toggle states that were saved with the layout and notify the config code to update Settings values it manages.

Definition at line 427 of file gui-top-window.c.

References close_file_modified_externally_prompt(), ghid_config_handle_units_changed(), GHID_ROUTE_STYLE_SELECTOR, ghid_route_style_selector_select_style(), ghid_set_status_line_label(), ghid_window_set_name_label(), PCBType::Name, PCB, pcb_use_route_style(), GhidGui::route_style_selector, PCBType::RouteStyle, and update_board_mtime_from_disk().

Referenced by PCBChanged().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void ghid_table_coord_entry ( GtkWidget *  table,
gint  row,
gint  column,
GtkWidget **  coord_entry,
Coord  value,
Coord  low,
Coord  high,
enum  ce_step_size,
gint  width,
void(*)(GHidCoordEntry *, gpointer)  cb_func,
gpointer  data,
gboolean  right_align,
gchar *  string 

Definition at line 349 of file gui-utils.c.

References GHID_COORD_ENTRY, ghid_coord_entry_new(), SettingType::grid_unit, and Settings.

Referenced by config_sizes_tab_create().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void ghid_table_spin_button ( GtkWidget *  box,
gint  row,
gint  column,
GtkWidget **  spin_button,
gfloat  value,
gfloat  low,
gfloat  high,
gfloat  step0,
gfloat  step1,
gint  digits,
gint  width,
void(*)(GtkSpinButton *, gpointer)  cb_func,
gpointer  data,
gboolean  right_align,
gchar *  string 

Definition at line 401 of file gui-utils.c.

References TRUE.

Referenced by config_sizes_tab_create().

void ghid_text_view_append ( GtkWidget *  view,
gchar *  string 

Definition at line 742 of file gui-utils.c.

References s, and text_view_append().

Referenced by config_layers_tab_create(), ghid_command_window_show(), ghid_keyref_window_show(), and ghid_log_append_string().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void ghid_text_view_append_strings ( GtkWidget *  view,
gchar **  string,
gint  n_strings 

Definition at line 768 of file gui-utils.c.

References _, s, and text_view_append().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void ghid_update_toggle_flags ( void  )

sync the menu checkboxes with actual pcb state.

Definition at line 162 of file gui-top-window.c.

References GHID_MAIN_MENU, ghid_main_menu_update_toggle_state(), GhidGui::menu_bar, and menu_toggle_update_cb().

Referenced by ghid_create_pcb_widgets(), ghid_idle_cb(), and ghid_menu_cb().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void ghid_view_2d ( void *  ball,
gboolean  view_2d,
gpointer  userdata 

Definition at line 1564 of file gtkhid-gl.c.

References ghid_invalidate_all(), and global_view_2d.

Referenced by ghid_build_pcb_top_window().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void ghid_watch_cursor ( void  )

Definition at line 137 of file gui-misc.c.

References gport_set_cursor(), and oldCursor.

Referenced by Busy().

Here is the call graph for this function:

void ghid_window_set_name_label ( gchar *  name)

Refreshes the window title bar and sets the PCB name to the window title bar or to a seperate label.

Definition at line 692 of file gui-top-window.c.

References _, PCBType::Changed, dup_string(), PCBType::Filename, filename, GhidGui::name_label_string, PCB, and GHidPort::top_window.

Referenced by ghid_handle_user_command(), ghid_menu_cb(), ghid_port_button_press_cb(), ghid_port_button_release_cb(), ghid_sync_with_new_layout(), layer_selector_rename_callback(), and PCBChanged().

Here is the call graph for this function:

static Coord Px ( int  x) [inline, static]
static Coord Py ( int  y) [inline, static]
static Coord Pz ( int  z) [inline, static]

Definition at line 585 of file gui.h.

References view_data::coord_per_px, and GHidPort::view.

static int Vz ( Coord  z) [inline, static]

Variable Documentation

Definition at line 128 of file gui-top-window.c.

Referenced by ghid_config_files_read().

Definition at line 128 of file gui-top-window.c.

Referenced by command_combo_box_entry_create(), command_entry_activate_cb(), command_history_add(), command_window_disconnect_combobox(), config_backup_spin_button_cb(), config_color_defaults_cb(), config_color_load_cb(), config_color_save_cb(), config_command_window_toggle_cb(), config_compact_horizontal_toggle_cb(), config_compact_vertical_toggle_cb(), config_general_tab_create(), config_general_toggle_cb(), config_history_spin_button_cb(), config_layer_groups_radio_button_cb(), config_layers_apply(), config_library_apply(), config_sizes_apply(), coord_entry_cb(), draw_crosshair(), drc_window_configure_event_cb(), ghid_command_entry_get(), ghid_command_use_command_window_sync(), ghid_command_window_show(), ghid_config_files_read(), ghid_config_files_write(), ghid_config_handle_units_changed(), ghid_config_init(), ghid_control_is_pressed(), ghid_cursor_position_label_set_text(), ghid_cursor_position_relative_label_set_text(), ghid_draw_bg_image(), ghid_drc_window_show(), ghid_handle_user_command(), ghid_idle_cb(), ghid_keyref_window_show(), ghid_library_window_create(), ghid_log_window_create(), ghid_mod1_is_pressed(), ghid_netlist_window_create(), ghid_notify_gui_is_up(), ghid_port_ranges_changed(), ghid_port_ranges_scale(), ghid_port_window_enter_cb(), ghid_set_status_line_label(), ghid_shift_is_pressed(), ghid_status_line_set_text(), GhidNetlistChanged(), increment_spin_button_cb(), keyref_window_configure_event_cb(), layer_name_edited_cb(), layer_name_editing_canceled_cb(), layer_name_editing_started_cb(), library_window_configure_event_cb(), log_window_configure_event_cb(), netlist_window_configure_event_cb(), pan_common(), PanAction(), PCBChanged(), PointCursor(), Popup(), RouteStylesChanged(), ScrollAction(), and text_spin_button_cb().

Definition at line 130 of file gui-top-window.c.

Referenced by Benchmark(), Center(), CursorAction(), DoWindows(), draw_crosshair(), draw_dozen_cross(), draw_lead_user(), draw_right_cross(), draw_slanted_cross(), end_subcomposite(), flag_flipy(), ghid_cancel_lead_user(), ghid_command_entry_get(), ghid_corner_cursor(), ghid_draw_arc(), ghid_draw_bg_image(), ghid_draw_grid(), ghid_draw_line(), ghid_draw_rect(), ghid_drawing_area_expose_cb(), ghid_fill_circle(), ghid_fill_pcb_polygon(), ghid_fill_polygon(), ghid_fill_rect(), ghid_finish_debug_draw(), ghid_flip_view(), ghid_flush_debug_draw(), ghid_get_coords(), ghid_get_net_from_node_name(), ghid_get_pointer(), ghid_invalidate_all(), ghid_lead_user_to_location(), ghid_netlist_window_update(), ghid_note_event_location(), ghid_notify_crosshair_change(), ghid_notify_mark_change(), ghid_pan_view_abs(), ghid_pan_view_rel(), ghid_pinout_preview_constructed(), ghid_pinout_preview_expose(), ghid_port_button_press_cb(), ghid_port_drawing_area_configure_event_cb(), ghid_port_ranges_changed(), ghid_port_ranges_scale(), ghid_port_window_motion_cb(), ghid_render_pixmap(), ghid_request_debug_draw(), ghid_screen_update(), ghid_set_color(), ghid_set_crosshair(), ghid_set_layer(), ghid_set_line_cap(), ghid_set_line_width(), ghid_set_special_colors(), ghid_use_mask(), ghid_zoom_view_abs(), ghid_zoom_view_fit(), ghid_zoom_view_rel(), GhidNetlistPresent(), GhidNetlistShow(), gport_set_cursor(), layer_name_edited_cb(), layer_name_editing_canceled_cb(), layer_name_editing_started_cb(), make_progress_dialog(), node_get_node_from_name(), PanAction(), PCBChanged(), redraw_region(), REGISTER_ACTIONS(), row_activated_cb(), run_get_location_loop(), ScrollAction(), set_gl_color_for_gc(), set_special_grid_color(), start_subcomposite(), SwapSides(), and use_gc().

GdkPixmap * XC_clock_mask

Definition at line 52 of file gui-misc.c.

Referenced by ghid_init_icons(), and gport_set_cursor().

GdkPixmap* XC_clock_source

Definition at line 52 of file gui-misc.c.

Referenced by ghid_init_icons(), and gport_set_cursor().

GdkPixmap * XC_hand_mask

Definition at line 52 of file gui-misc.c.

Referenced by ghid_init_icons(), and gport_set_cursor().

GdkPixmap* XC_hand_source

Definition at line 52 of file gui-misc.c.

Referenced by ghid_init_icons(), and gport_set_cursor().

GdkPixmap * XC_lock_mask

Definition at line 52 of file gui-misc.c.

Referenced by ghid_init_icons(), and gport_set_cursor().

GdkPixmap* XC_lock_source

Definition at line 52 of file gui-misc.c.

Referenced by ghid_init_icons(), and gport_set_cursor().