pcb 4.1.1
An interactive printed circuit board layout editor.


Go to the documentation of this file.
00041 #ifndef PCB_GLOBAL_H
00042 #define PCB_GLOBAL_H
00044 #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
00045 #include "config.h"
00046 #endif
00048 #include "const.h"
00049 #include "macro.h"
00051 #include <locale.h>
00052 #ifdef HAVE_STDINT_H
00053 #include <stdint.h>
00054 #endif
00055 #include <stdio.h>
00056 #include <stdlib.h>
00057 #include <string.h>
00058 #include <strings.h>
00059 #include <stdarg.h>
00060 #include <math.h>
00061 #include <ctype.h>
00062 #include <sys/types.h>
00063 #include <stdbool.h>
00064 #include <glib.h>
00066 /* Forward declarations for structures the HIDs need.  */
00067 typedef struct BoxType BoxType;
00068 typedef struct polygon_st PolygonType;
00069 typedef struct pad_st PadType;
00070 typedef struct pin_st PinType;
00071 typedef struct drc_violation_st DrcViolationType;
00072 typedef struct rtree rtree_t;
00073 typedef struct AttributeListType AttributeListType;
00075 typedef struct unit Unit;
00076 typedef struct increments Increments;
00078 typedef COORD_TYPE Coord;       
00079 typedef double Angle;           
00081 #include "hid.h"
00082 #include "polyarea.h"
00084 /* Internationalization support. */
00085 #include "gettext.h"
00087 #if defined (ENABLE_NLS)
00088 /* When an empty string is used for msgid, the functions may return a nonempty
00089    string. */
00090 # define _(S) (S[0] != '\0') ? gettext(S) : S
00091 # define N_(S) gettext_noop(S)
00092 # define C_(C, S) pgettext(C, S)
00093 #else
00094 # define _(S) S
00095 # define N_(S) S
00096 # define C_(C, S) S
00097 #endif /* ENABLE_NLS */
00102 typedef struct {
00103   int ival;
00104   Coord bval;
00105   double dval;
00106   char has_units;
00107 } PLMeasure;
00109 #ifndef XtSpecificationRelease
00110 typedef unsigned int Cardinal;
00111 /*typedef unsigned int  Pixel;*/
00112 typedef char *String;
00113 typedef short Position;
00114 typedef short Dimension;
00115 #endif
00116 typedef unsigned char BYTE;
00124 typedef struct
00125 {
00126   unsigned long f;              /* generic flags */
00127   unsigned char t[(MAX_LAYER + 1) / 2];  /* thermals */
00128 } FlagType;
00130 #ifndef __GNUC__
00131 #define __FUNCTION1(a,b) a ":" #b
00132 #define __FUNCTION2(a,b) __FUNCTION1(a,b)
00133 #define __FUNCTION__ __FUNCTION2(__FILE__,__LINE__)
00134 #endif
00137 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
00138  * Macros to annotate branch-prediction information.
00139  * Taken from GLib 2.16.3 (LGPL 2).G_ / g_ prefixes have
00140  * been removed to avoid namespace clashes.
00141  */
00143 /* The LIKELY and UNLIKELY macros let the programmer give hints to
00144  * the compiler about the expected result of an expression. Some compilers
00145  * can use this information for optimizations.
00146  *
00147  * The PCB_BOOLEAN_EXPR macro is intended to trigger a gcc warning when
00148  * putting assignments inside the test.
00149  */
00150 #if defined(__GNUC__) && (__GNUC__ > 2) && defined(__OPTIMIZE__)
00151 #define PCB_BOOLEAN_EXPR(expr)                   \
00152  __extension__ ({                             \
00153    int _boolean_var_;                         \
00154    if (expr)                                  \
00155       _boolean_var_ = 1;                      \
00156    else                                       \
00157       _boolean_var_ = 0;                      \
00158    _boolean_var_;                             \
00159 })
00160 #define LIKELY(expr) (__builtin_expect (PCB_BOOLEAN_EXPR(expr), 1))
00161 #define UNLIKELY(expr) (__builtin_expect (PCB_BOOLEAN_EXPR(expr), 0))
00162 #else
00163 #define LIKELY(expr) (expr)
00164 #define UNLIKELY(expr) (expr)
00165 #endif
00168 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
00169  * Do not change the following definitions even if they're not very
00170  * nice.  It allows us to have functions act on these "base types" and
00171  * not need to know what kind of actual object they're working on.
00172  */
00174 /* Any object that uses the "object flags" defined in const.h, or
00175    exists as an object on the pcb, MUST be defined using this as the
00176    first fields, either directly or through ANYLINEFIELDS.  */
00177 #define ANYOBJECTFIELDS                 \
00178         BoxType         BoundingBox;    \
00179         long int        ID;             \
00180         FlagType        Flags;          \
00181         //      struct LibraryEntryType *net
00183 /* Lines, pads, and rats all use this so they can be cross-cast.  */
00184 #define ANYLINEFIELDS                   \
00185         ANYOBJECTFIELDS;                \
00186         Coord           Thickness,      \
00187                         Clearance;      \
00188         PointType       Point1,         \
00189                         Point2
00191 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
00192  * some useful values of our widgets
00193  */
00198 typedef struct
00199 {
00200   hidGC bgGC, 
00201     fgGC, 
00202     pmGC; 
00203 }
00204 OutputType;
00212 typedef struct
00213 {
00214   Cardinal Number[MAX_GROUP], 
00215     Entries[MAX_GROUP][MAX_ALL_LAYER];
00216 } LayerGroupType;
00221 struct BoxType
00222 {
00223   Coord X1, Y1; 
00224   Coord X2, Y2; 
00225 };
00227 typedef struct
00228 {
00229   Coord x, y;
00230   Coord width, height;
00231 } RectangleType;
00233 typedef struct
00234 {
00235   char *name;
00236   char *value;
00237 } AttributeType;
00239 struct AttributeListType
00240 {
00241   int Number, Max;
00242   AttributeType *List;
00243 };
00245 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
00246  * the basic object types supported by PCB
00247  */
00253 typedef struct {
00255 } AnyObjectType;
00260 typedef struct
00261 {
00262   Coord X, Y, X2, Y2; 
00263   long int ID;
00264 } PointType;
00269 typedef struct {
00271 } AnyLineObjectType;
00276 typedef struct
00277 {
00279   char *Number;
00280 } LineType;
00282 typedef struct
00283 {
00285   int Scale; 
00286   Coord X; 
00287   Coord Y; 
00288   BYTE Direction;
00289   char *TextString; 
00290   void *Element;
00291 } TextType;
00296 struct polygon_st
00297 {
00299   Cardinal PointN; 
00300   Cardinal PointMax; 
00301   POLYAREA *Clipped; 
00302   PLINE *NoHoles; 
00303   int NoHolesValid; 
00304   PointType *Points; 
00305   Cardinal *HoleIndex; 
00306   Cardinal HoleIndexN; 
00307   Cardinal HoleIndexMax; 
00309 };
00314 typedef struct
00315 {
00317   Coord Thickness, Clearance;
00318   PointType Point1;
00319   PointType Point2;
00320   Coord Width; 
00321   Coord Height; 
00322   Coord X; 
00323   Coord Y; 
00324   Angle StartAngle; 
00325   Angle Delta; 
00326 } ArcType;
00328 struct rtree
00329 {
00330   struct rtree_node *root;
00331   int size; 
00332 };
00336 typedef struct
00337 {
00338   LayertypeType Type; 
00339   char *Name; 
00340   Cardinal LineN; 
00341   Cardinal TextN; 
00342   Cardinal PolygonN; 
00343   Cardinal ArcN; 
00344   GList *Line;
00345   GList *Text;
00346   GList *Polygon;
00347   GList *Arc;
00348   rtree_t *line_tree, *text_tree, *polygon_tree, *arc_tree;
00349   bool On; 
00350   char *Color, 
00351    *SelectedColor;
00352   AttributeListType Attributes;
00353   int no_drc; 
00355 }
00356 LayerType;
00361 typedef struct
00362 {
00364   Cardinal group1; 
00365   Cardinal group2; 
00366 } RatType;
00371 struct pad_st
00372 {
00374   Coord Mask;
00375   char *Name, *Number; 
00376   void *Element;
00377   void *Spare;
00378 };
00383 struct pin_st
00384 {
00386   Coord Thickness;
00387   Coord Clearance;
00388   Coord Mask;
00389   Coord DrillingHole; 
00390   Coord X; 
00391   Coord Y; 
00392   char *Name;
00393   char *Number;
00394   void *Element;
00395   void *Spare;
00396   Cardinal BuriedFrom;
00397   Cardinal BuriedTo;
00398 };
00400 /* This is the extents of a Pin or Via, depending on whether it's a
00401    hole or not.  */
00402 #define PIN_SIZE(pinptr) (TEST_FLAG(HOLEFLAG, (pinptr)) \
00403                           ? (pinptr)->DrillingHole \
00404                           : (pinptr)->Thickness)
00409 typedef struct
00410 {
00412   TextType Name[MAX_ELEMENTNAMES];
00419   Coord MarkX; 
00420   Coord MarkY; 
00421   Cardinal PinN; 
00422   Cardinal PadN; 
00423   Cardinal LineN; 
00424   Cardinal ArcN; 
00425   GList *Pin;
00426   GList *Pad;
00427   GList *Line;
00428   GList *Arc;
00429   BoxType VBox;
00430   AttributeListType Attributes;
00431 } ElementType;
00433 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
00434  * symbol and font related stuff
00435  */
00439 typedef struct
00440 {
00441   LineType *Line;
00442   bool Valid;
00443   Cardinal LineN; 
00444   Cardinal LineMax;
00445   Coord Width; 
00446   Coord Height; 
00447   Coord Delta; 
00448 } SymbolType;
00453 typedef struct
00454 {
00455   Coord MaxHeight; 
00456   Coord MaxWidth; 
00457   BoxType DefaultSymbol; 
00458   SymbolType Symbol[MAX_FONTPOSITION + 1];
00459   bool Valid;
00460 } FontType;
00465 typedef struct
00466 {
00467   Cardinal ViaN; 
00468   Cardinal ElementN; 
00469   Cardinal RatN; 
00470   int LayerN; 
00471   GList *Via;
00472   GList *Element;
00473   GList *Rat;
00474   rtree_t *via_tree, *element_tree, *pin_tree, *pad_tree, *name_tree[3],        /* for element names */
00475    *rat_tree;
00476   struct PCBType *pcb;
00477   LayerType Layer[MAX_ALL_LAYER];
00478   int polyClip;
00479 } DataType;
00484 typedef struct
00485 {
00486   Coord DrillSize; 
00487   Cardinal ElementN; 
00488   Cardinal ElementMax; 
00489   Cardinal PinCount; 
00490   Cardinal ViaCount; 
00491   Cardinal UnplatedCount; 
00492   Cardinal PinN; 
00493   Cardinal PinMax; 
00494   PinType **Pin; 
00495   ElementType **Element; 
00496 } DrillType;
00501 typedef struct
00502 {
00503   Cardinal DrillN; 
00504   Cardinal DrillMax; 
00505   DrillType *Drill; 
00506 } DrillInfoType;
00508 typedef struct
00509 {
00510   Coord Thick; 
00511   Coord Diameter; 
00512   Coord Hole; 
00513   Coord Keepaway; 
00514   char *Name;
00515   int index;
00516 } RouteStyleType;
00521 typedef struct
00522 {
00523   char *ListEntry; 
00524   char *AllocatedMemory; 
00526   char *Template; 
00527   char *Package; 
00528   char *Value; 
00529   char *Description; 
00530 } LibraryEntryType;
00540 typedef struct
00541 {
00542   char *Name; 
00543   char *directory; 
00544   char *Style; 
00545   Cardinal EntryN; 
00546   Cardinal EntryMax; 
00547   LibraryEntryType *Entry; 
00548   char flag; 
00549   char internal; 
00551 } LibraryMenuType;
00553 typedef struct
00554 {
00555   Cardinal MenuN; 
00556   Cardinal MenuMax; 
00557   LibraryMenuType *Menu; 
00558 } LibraryType;
00571 typedef struct PCBType
00572 {
00573   long ID; 
00574   FlagType Flags;
00575   char *Name, 
00576    *Filename, 
00577    *PrintFilename, 
00578    *Netlistname, 
00579     ThermStyle; 
00580   bool Changed, 
00581     ViaOn, 
00582     ElementOn, 
00583     RatOn, 
00584     InvisibleObjectsOn,
00585     PinOn, 
00586     SilkActive, 
00587     RatDraw; 
00588   char *ViaColor, 
00589    *ViaSelectedColor, 
00590     *PinColor, 
00591     *PinSelectedColor, 
00592     *PinNameColor, 
00593     *ElementColor, 
00594     *RatColor, 
00595     *InvisibleObjectsColor, 
00596     *InvisibleMarkColor, 
00597     *ElementSelectedColor, 
00598     *RatSelectedColor, 
00599     *ConnectedColor, 
00600     *FoundColor, 
00601     *WarnColor, 
00602     *MaskColor; 
00603   long CursorX, 
00604     CursorY, 
00605     Clipping;
00606   Coord Bloat, 
00607     Shrink, 
00608     minWid, 
00609     minSlk, 
00610     minDrill, 
00611     minRing; 
00612   Coord GridOffsetX, 
00613     GridOffsetY, 
00614     MaxWidth, 
00615     MaxHeight; 
00617   Coord Grid; 
00618   double IsleArea, 
00619     ThermScale; 
00620   FontType Font;
00621   LayerGroupType LayerGroups;
00622   RouteStyleType RouteStyle[NUM_STYLES];
00623   LibraryType NetlistLib;
00624   AttributeListType Attributes;
00625   DataType *Data; 
00627   bool is_footprint; 
00628 }
00629 PCBType;
00634 typedef struct
00635 {
00636   Coord X; 
00637   Coord Y; 
00638   BoxType BoundingBox;
00639   DataType *Data; 
00640 } BufferType;
00642 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
00643  * some types for cursor drawing, setting of block and lines
00644  * as well as for merging of elements
00645  */
00650 typedef struct
00651 {
00652   LayerType *Layer; 
00653   LineType *Line; 
00654   PointType *MovedPoint; 
00655 } RubberbandType;
00660 typedef struct
00661 {
00662   PointType Point1; 
00663   PointType Point2; 
00664   long int State;
00665   bool draw;
00666 } AttachedLineType;
00671 typedef struct
00672 {
00673   PointType Point1; 
00674   PointType Point2; 
00675   long int State;
00676   bool otherway;
00677 } AttachedBoxType;
00682 typedef struct
00683 {
00684   Coord X; 
00685   Coord Y; 
00686   BoxType BoundingBox;
00687   long int Type, 
00688     State;
00689   void *Ptr1; 
00690   void *Ptr2; 
00691   void *Ptr3; 
00692   Cardinal RubberbandN, 
00693     RubberbandMax;
00694   RubberbandType *Rubberband;
00695 } AttachedObjectType;
00697 enum crosshair_shape
00698 {
00699   Basic_Crosshair_Shape = 0,  
00700   Union_Jack_Crosshair_Shape, 
00701   Dozen_Crosshair_Shape,      
00702   Crosshair_Shapes_Number
00703 };
00708 typedef struct
00709 {
00710   hidGC GC; 
00711   hidGC AttachGC; 
00712   Coord X; 
00713   Coord Y; 
00714   Coord MinX; 
00715   Coord MinY; 
00716   Coord MaxX; 
00717   Coord MaxY; 
00718   AttachedLineType AttachedLine; 
00719   AttachedBoxType AttachedBox;
00720   PolygonType AttachedPolygon;
00721   AttachedObjectType AttachedObject; 
00722   enum crosshair_shape shape; 
00723 } CrosshairType;
00725 typedef struct
00726 {
00727   bool status;
00728   Coord X, Y;
00729 } MarkType;
00736 typedef struct
00737 {
00738   const Unit *grid_unit;
00739   Increments *increments;
00741   int verbose;
00743   char *BlackColor,
00744     *WhiteColor,
00745     *BackgroundColor, 
00746     *CrosshairColor, 
00747     *CrossColor, 
00748     *ViaColor, 
00749     *ViaSelectedColor, 
00750     *PinColor, 
00751     *PinSelectedColor, 
00752     *PinNameColor, 
00753     *ElementColor, 
00754     *RatColor, 
00755     *InvisibleObjectsColor, 
00756     *InvisibleMarkColor, 
00757     *ElementSelectedColor, 
00758     *RatSelectedColor, 
00759     *ConnectedColor, 
00760     *FoundColor, 
00761     *OffLimitColor,
00762     *GridColor, 
00763     *LayerColor[MAX_LAYER],
00764     *LayerSelectedColor[MAX_LAYER],
00765     *WarnColor, 
00766     *MaskColor; 
00767   Coord ViaThickness, 
00768     ViaDrillingHole, 
00769     LineThickness, 
00770     RatThickness, 
00771     Keepaway, 
00772     MaxWidth, 
00773     MaxHeight, 
00774     AlignmentDistance,
00775     Bloat, 
00776     Shrink, 
00777     minWid, 
00778     minSlk, 
00779     minDrill, 
00780     minRing; 
00781   int TextScale; 
00782   Coord Grid; 
00783   double IsleArea; 
00784   Coord PasteAdjust; 
00785   int PinoutNameLength, 
00786     Volume, 
00787     CharPerLine, 
00788     Mode, 
00789     BufferNumber; 
00790   int BackupInterval; 
00791   char *DefaultLayerName[MAX_LAYER],
00792    *FontCommand, 
00793    *FileCommand, 
00794    *ElementCommand, 
00795    *PrintFile,
00796    *LibraryCommandDir,
00797    *LibraryCommand,
00798    *LibraryContentsCommand,
00799    *LibraryTree, 
00800    *SaveCommand,
00801    *LibraryFilename,
00802    *FontFile, 
00803    *Groups, 
00804    *Routes, 
00805    *FilePath,
00806    *RatPath,
00807    *RatCommand,
00808    *FontPath,
00809    *PinoutFont,
00810    *ElementPath,
00811    *LibraryPath,
00812    *Size, 
00813    *BackgroundImage, 
00814    *ScriptFilename, 
00815    *ActionString, 
00816    *FabAuthor, 
00817    *GnetlistProgram, 
00818    *MakeProgram, 
00819    *InitialLayerStack; 
00820   Coord PinoutOffsetX; 
00821   Coord PinoutOffsetY; 
00822   Coord PinoutTextOffsetX; 
00823   Coord PinoutTextOffsetY; 
00824   RouteStyleType RouteStyle[NUM_STYLES]; 
00825   LayerGroupType LayerGroups; 
00826   bool ClearLine,
00827     FullPoly,
00828     UniqueNames, 
00829     SnapPin, 
00830     ShowBottomSide, 
00831     SaveLastCommand, 
00832     SaveInTMP, 
00833     SaveMetricOnly, 
00834     DrawGrid, 
00835     RatWarn, 
00836     StipplePolygons, 
00837     AllDirectionLines, 
00838     RubberBandMode, 
00839     SwapStartDirection,
00840     ShowDRC, 
00841     AutoDRC, 
00842     ShowNumber, 
00843     OrthogonalMoves, 
00844     ResetAfterElement, 
00845     liveRouting, 
00846     AutoBuriedVias,
00847     RingBellWhenFinished,
00850     AutoPlace;
00853 }
00854 SettingType;
00859 typedef struct
00860 {
00861   void *(*Line) (LayerType *, LineType *);
00862   void *(*Text) (LayerType *, TextType *);
00863   void *(*Polygon) (LayerType *, PolygonType *);
00864   void *(*Via) (PinType *);
00865   void *(*Element) (ElementType *);
00866   void *(*ElementName) (ElementType *);
00867   void *(*Pin) (ElementType *, PinType *);
00868   void *(*Pad) (ElementType *, PadType *);
00869   void *(*LinePoint) (LayerType *, LineType *, PointType *);
00870   void *(*Point) (LayerType *, PolygonType *, PointType *);
00871   void *(*Arc) (LayerType *, ArcType *);
00872   void *(*Rat) (RatType *);
00873 } ObjectFunctionType;
00875 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
00876  * structure used by device drivers
00877  */
00883 typedef struct
00884 {
00885   Coord X; 
00886   Coord Y; 
00887   long int type; 
00888   void *ptr1; 
00889   void *ptr2; 
00890   Cardinal group; 
00891   LibraryMenuType *menu; 
00892 } ConnectionType;
00897 typedef struct
00898 {
00899   Cardinal ConnectionN; 
00900   Cardinal ConnectionMax; 
00901   ConnectionType *Connection;
00902   RouteStyleType *Style;
00903 } NetType;
00908 typedef struct
00909 {
00910   Cardinal NetN; 
00911   Cardinal NetMax; 
00912   NetType *Net;
00913 } NetListType;
00918 typedef struct
00919 {
00920   Cardinal NetListN; 
00921   Cardinal NetListMax; 
00922   NetListType *NetList;
00923 } NetListListType;
00928 typedef struct
00929 {
00930   Cardinal PtrN; 
00931   Cardinal PtrMax; 
00932   void **Ptr;
00933 } PointerListType;
00935 typedef struct
00936 {
00937   Cardinal BoxN; 
00938   Cardinal BoxMax; 
00939   BoxType *Box;
00940 } BoxListType;
00942 struct drc_violation_st
00943 {
00944   char *title;
00945   char *explanation;
00946   Coord x, y;
00947   Angle angle;
00948   int have_measured;
00949   Coord measured_value;
00950   Coord required_value;
00951   int object_count;
00952   long int *object_id_list;
00953   int *object_type_list;
00954 };
00956 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
00957  * define supported types of undo operations
00958  * note these must be separate bits now
00959  */
00960 #define UNDO_CHANGENAME                 0x0001  
00961 #define UNDO_MOVE                       0x0002  
00962 #define UNDO_REMOVE                     0x0004  
00963 #define UNDO_REMOVE_POINT               0x0008  
00964 #define UNDO_INSERT_POINT               0x0010  
00965 #define UNDO_REMOVE_CONTOUR             0x0020  
00966 #define UNDO_INSERT_CONTOUR             0x0040  
00967 #define UNDO_ROTATE                     0x0080  
00968 #define UNDO_CREATE                     0x0100  
00969 #define UNDO_MOVETOLAYER                0x0200  
00970 #define UNDO_FLAG                       0x0400  
00971 #define UNDO_CHANGESIZE                 0x0800  
00972 #define UNDO_CHANGE2NDSIZE              0x1000  
00973 #define UNDO_MIRROR                     0x2000  
00974 #define UNDO_CHANGECLEARSIZE            0x4000  
00975 #define UNDO_CHANGEMASKSIZE             0x8000  
00976 #define UNDO_CHANGEANGLES              0x10000  
00977 #define UNDO_LAYERCHANGE               0x20000  
00978 #define UNDO_CLEAR                     0x40000  
00979 #define UNDO_NETLISTCHANGE             0x80000  
00980 #define UNDO_CHANGESETVIALAYERS        0x100000  
00981 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
00982  */
00983 #if (__GNUC__ * 1000 + __GNUC_MINOR__) > 2007
00984 #define ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED __attribute__((unused))
00985 #else
00986 #define ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED
00987 #endif
00989 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
00990  * Macros called by various action routines to show usage or to report
00991  * a syntax error and fail
00992  */
00993 #define AUSAGE(x) Message (_("Usage:\n%s\n"), _(x##_syntax))
00994 #define AFAIL(x) { Message (_("Syntax error.  Usage:\n%s\n"), _(x##_syntax)); return 1; }
00996 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
00997  * Variables with absolute paths to various directories.  These are deduced
00998  * at runtime to allow pcb to be relocatable
00999  */
01000 extern char *bindir;       
01001 extern char *pcblibdir;    
01002 extern char *pcblibpath;   
01003 extern char *pcbtreedir;   
01004 extern char *pcbtreepath;  
01005 extern char *exec_prefix;
01006 extern char *homedir;
01008 #endif /* PCB_GLOBAL_H  */