_BomList | |
_CFace | |
_CFaceClass | |
_dialog | |
_Ear | |
_EdgeInter | |
_GHidCellRendererVisibility | |
_GHidCellRendererVisibilityClass | |
_GHidCoordEntry | |
_GHidCoordEntryClass | |
_GhidDrcViolation | |
_GhidDrcViolationClass | |
_GHidLayerSelector | |
_GHidLayerSelectorClass | |
_GhidLibraryWindow | |
_GhidLibraryWindowClass | |
_GHidMainMenu | |
_GHidMainMenuClass | |
_GhidPinoutPreview | |
_GhidPinoutPreviewClass | |
_GHidRouteStyleSelector | |
_GHidRouteStyleSelectorClass | |
_GhidTrackball | |
_GhidTrackballClass | |
_GhidViolationRenderer | |
_GhidViolationRendererClass | |
_GtsBBox | |
_GtsBBoxClass | |
_GtsCartesianGrid | |
_GtsCluster | |
_GtsClusterClass | |
_GtsClusterGrid | |
_GtsClusterGridClass | |
_GtsClusterId | |
_GtsColor | |
_GtsColorVertex | |
_GtsConstraint | |
_GtsConstraintClass | |
_GtsContainee | |
_GtsContaineeClass | |
_GtsContainer | |
_GtsContainerClass | |
_GtsEdge | |
_GtsEdgeClass | |
_GtsEHeap | |
_GtsEHeapPair | |
_GtsFace | |
_GtsFaceClass | |
_GtsFifo | |
_GtsFile | |
_GtsFileVariable | |
_GtsFNode | |
_GtsFNodeClass | |
_GtsGEdge | |
_GtsGEdgeClass | |
_GtsGNode | |
_GtsGNodeClass | |
_GtsGNodeSplit | |
_GtsGNodeSplitClass | |
_GtsGraph | |
_GtsGraphBisection | |
_GtsGraphClass | |
_GtsGraphTraverse | |
_GtsGridPlane | |
_GtsHashContainer | |
_GtsHashContainerClass | |
_GtsHeap | |
_GtsHSplit | |
_GtsHSplitClass | |
_GtsHSurface | |
_GtsHSurfaceClass | |
_GtsIsoSlice | |
_GtsListFace | |
_GtsNEdge | |
_GtsNEdgeClass | |
_GtsNFace | |
_GtsNFaceClass | |
_GtsNGNode | |
_GtsNGNodeClass | |
_GtsNVertex | |
_GtsNVertexClass | |
_GtsObject | |
_GtsObjectClass | |
_GtsObjectClassInfo | |
_GtsPGEdge | |
_GtsPGEdgeClass | |
_GtsPGraph | |
_GtsPGraphClass | |
_GtsPNode | |
_GtsPNodeClass | |
_GtsPoint | |
_GtsPointClass | |
_GtsPSurface | |
_GtsPSurfaceClass | |
_GtsRange | |
_GtsSegment | |
_GtsSegmentClass | |
_GtsSListContainee | |
_GtsSListContaineeClass | |
_GtsSListContainer | |
_GtsSListContainerClass | |
_GtsSplit | |
_GtsSplitCFace | |
_GtsSplitClass | |
_GtsSurface | |
_GtsSurfaceClass | |
_GtsSurfaceInter | |
_GtsSurfaceInterClass | |
_GtsSurfaceQualityStats | |
_GtsSurfaceStats | |
_GtsSurfaceTraverse | |
_GtsTriangle | |
_GtsTriangleClass | |
_GtsVertex | |
_GtsVertexClass | |
_GtsVertexNormal | |
_GtsVolumeOptimizedParams | |
_GtsWGEdge | |
_GtsWGEdgeClass | |
_GtsWGNode | |
_GtsWGNodeClass | |
_GtsWGraph | |
_GtsWGraphClass | |
_insert_node_task | |
_IOWatchHandler | |
_layer | |
_pair_list | |
_route_style | |
_SFindClosest | |
_str_pair | |
_StringList | |
_TimeoutHandler | |
_toporouter_arc_class_t | |
_toporouter_arc_t | |
_toporouter_bbox_class_t | |
_toporouter_bbox_t | |
_toporouter_cluster_t | |
_toporouter_constraint_class_t | |
_toporouter_constraint_t | |
_toporouter_edge_class_t | |
_toporouter_edge_t | |
_toporouter_netlist_t | |
_toporouter_oproute_t | |
_toporouter_route_t | |
_toporouter_rubberband_arc_t | |
_toporouter_serpintine_t | |
_toporouter_t | |
_toporouter_vertex_class_t | |
_toporouter_vertex_t | |
acc_table_t | |
ans_info | |
AnyLineObjectType | Lines, rats, pads, etc |
AnyObjectType | All on-pcb objects (elements, lines, pads, vias, rats, etc) are based on this |
aperture | |
ApertureList | |
arc_info | |
ArcType | Holds information about arcs |
AttachedBoxType | Currently marked block |
AttachedLineType | Current marked line |
AttachedObjectType | Currently attached object |
AttributeListType | |
AttributeType | |
AttrRow | |
bbox_s | |
Binder | |
BlockHookSource | |
BlockHookStruct | |
BoxListType | |
BoxType | A bounding box |
break_info | |
broken_boxes | |
Bucket | |
BufferType | Information about the paste buffer |
ccache | |
cent | |
centroid | |
ChangeNameType | Information about a change command |
cheap_point | |
ClearPolyType | Information about poly clear/restore |
color_struct | |
ColorCache | |
ConfigAttribute | |
ConfigColor | |
ConnectionType | Holds a connection |
Context | |
ContextCar | |
contour_info | |
corner_s | |
cpInfo | |
CrosshairType | Holds cursor information |
CVCList | |
DataType | Holds all objects |
do_hole_info | |
drawing_context_t | |
drc_info | |
drc_violation_st | |
drill_hole | Structure to represent a single hole |
DrillInfoType | Holds a range of Drill Infos |
DrillType | Holds drill information |
DynamicStringType | Dynamic string type |
E_result | |
ecache | |
edge_struct | |
ElementPtrListType | |
ElementType | An element |
End | Extra data we need to temporarily attach to all lines and arcs |
Extra | |
find_inside_info | |
find_inside_m_pa_info | |
FindPairCallbackStruct | |
FlagBitsType | |
FlagHolder | |
FlagType | Nobody should know about the internals of this except the macros in macros.h that access it |
FloatPolyType | |
foib_info | |
FontType | Complete set of symbols |
FootprintHashEntry | |
fpin_info | |
FunctionType | |
ggnfnn_task | |
ghid_file_history_struct | |
GhidGui | |
GHidPort | |
gsvit_net_layer | |
gsvit_netlist | |
GuiTimer | |
GuiWatch | |
heap_element | |
heap_or_vector | |
heap_struct | |
heap_t | |
helper_bcl | |
helper_t | |
HID_Action | This is used to register the action callbacks (for menus and whatnot) |
HID_Attr_Val | Used for HID attributes (exporting and printing, mostly) |
HID_Attribute | |
HID_AttrNode | |
hid_draw_st | Low level drawing API Drawing Functions |
HID_Flag | |
HID_FlagNode | |
hid_gc_struct | |
hid_st | This is the main HID structure |
hidval | The HID may need something more than an "int" for colors, timers, etc |
hole_info | |
HoleCountStruct | |
increments | |
info | |
IPCD356_Alias | |
IPCD356_AliasList | |
Keyword | |
layer_data | |
LayerButtons | |
LayerChangeType | Information about layer changes |
LayerGroupType | Layer group |
LayerType | Holds information about one layer |
leaky_admin_t | |
LgResource | |
LibraryEntryType | Structure used by library routines |
LibraryMenuType | |
LibraryType | |
line_info | |
line_s | |
LineType | Holds information about one line |
ListType | Some local types |
lo_info | |
LocationList | |
map_t | |
MarkType | |
MediaType | |
min_key_t | |
mincost_target_closure | Some routines to find the minimum *cost* from a cost point to a target (any target) |
ModeButton | Mode buttons |
MoveToLayerType | Information about moves between layers |
MoveType | Information about a move command |
mptlc | |
mts_info | |
mtspace | This is an mtspace_t |
mtspacebox | |
NetlistChangeType | Information about netlist lib changes |
NetListListType | Holds a list of net lists |
NetListType | Holds a list of nets |
NetType | Holds a net of connections |
node_get_node_from_name_state | |
object_list | |
ObjectFunctionType | Pointer to low-level copy, move and rotate functions |
opti_s | A private type for the result of opti_penalty |
OrientedVertex | |
OutputType | Holds information about output window |
pad_st | A SMD pad |
PCBType | The PCBType struct holds information about board layout most of which is saved with the layout |
PendingDrills | |
PerturbationType | |
pin_st | A pin |
PinoutData | |
pip | |
PLMeasure | This is used by the lexer/parser |
plow_info | |
point | |
point_s | |
PointerListType | Holds a generic list of pointers |
PointType | A line/polygon point |
poly_info | |
polyarea_info | |
polygon_st | Holds information about a polygon |
potrace_bitmap_s | Internal bitmap format |
potrace_curve_s | Closed curve segment |
potrace_dpoint_s | Point |
potrace_param_s | Structure to hold tracing parameters |
potrace_path_s | Linked list of signed curve segments |
potrace_privpath_s | |
potrace_progress_s | Structure to hold progress bar callback data |
potrace_state_s | Potrace state |
privcurve_s | |
progress_dialog | |
pv_info | |
query_closure | |
r_arg | |
r_neighbor_info | Helper function to compute "closest neighbor" for a box in a rtree |
rat_info | |
RatType | A rat line |
rb_info | |
rect_s | |
RectangleType | |
RemovedPointType | Information about removed polygon points |
render_priv | |
Rentry | |
Resource | |
ResourceVal | |
rinfo | |
rlp_info | |
RotateType | Information about rotation |
routeall_status | |
routebox | |
routebox_list | |
routedata | |
routeone_state | |
routeone_status | |
routeone_via_site_state | Vectors for via site candidates (see mtspace.h) |
RouteStyleType | |
rtree | |
rtree_node | |
rubber_info | |
RubberbandType | Rubberband lines for element moves |
s_xmlout | |
seg | |
SegmentTree | |
SegmentTreeNode | |
SettingType | Our resources |
SetViaLayersChangeType | Information about layer changes |
single_size_drills | Structure to represent all holes of a given size |
slice_t | |
snap_data | |
StyleButtons | |
sums_s | |
SymbolType | A single symbol |
tetra_vertex_t | |
TextType | |
therm_info | |
Tie | |
TimerStruct | |
ToggleItem | |
Token | |
TokenCar | |
toporouter_heap_search_data_t | |
toporouter_layer_t | |
toporouter_netscore_t | |
toporouter_spoint_t | |
toporouter_vertex_region_t | |
tri_data_t | |
triangle_buffer | |
UndoListType | Holds information about an operation |
unit | |
UnitList | |
UsageNotes | |
UsedCar | |
val_union | |
vector_struct | |
vetting | This is a vetting_t |
via_info | Moves a line between layers |
view_data | |
WatchStruct | |
WidgetFlagType | |
yy_buffer_state | |
yy_trans_info | |
yyalloc | |