
00001 /*
00002  * pad-pin-data
00003  *
00004  * Copyright 2008 Dean Ferreyra <>, All rights reserved
00005  *
00006  * This file is part of Footprint-Update.
00007  * 
00008  * Footprint-Update is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
00009  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
00010  * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
00011  * (at your option) any later version.
00012  * 
00013  * Footprint-Update is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
00014  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
00016  * GNU General Public License for more details.
00017  * 
00018  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
00019  * along with Footprint-Update.  If not, see <>.
00020  *
00021  * $Id: pad-pin-data.c,v 1.2 2008-05-22 04:52:13 dean Exp $
00022  * Dean Ferreyra
00023  */
00025 #include "matrix.h"
00026 #include "pad-pin-data.h"
00028 static Boolean calculate_transformation(CheapPointType new1_pt,
00029                                         CheapPointType new2_pt,
00030                                         CheapPointType old1_pt,
00031                                         CheapPointType old2_pt,
00032                                         Boolean reflect,
00033                                         double angle,
00034                                         Matrix3x3 new_to_old_mat);
00035 static void transform_pad_pin_data(ElementPadPinData* ppd, int len,
00036                                    Matrix3x3 trans);
00037 static double calculate_sum_of_distances(ElementPadPinData* ppd_a, int len_a,
00038                                          ElementPadPinData* ppd_b, int len_b);
00039 static Boolean find_number_block(const ElementPadPinData* ppd, int len,
00040                                  const PadOrPinType* pp,
00041                                  int* start, int* end);
00042 static int pad_pin_data_cmp_by_number(const void* va, const void* vb);
00044 ElementPadPinData*
00045 alloc_pad_pin_data_array(ElementTypePtr element, int* len_ptr)
00046 {
00047   int len = element->PadN + element->PinN;
00048   ElementPadPinData* ppd = MyCalloc(len, sizeof(ElementPadPinData),
00049                                     "alloc_pad_pin_data_array");
00051   /* Set the pad/pin pointers and centers */
00052   int i = 0;
00053   PAD_OR_PIN_LOOP(element);
00054   {
00055     ppd[i].pp = pp;
00056     ppd[i].center
00057       = ppd[i].transformed_center
00058       = pad_or_pin_center(&pp);
00059     i++;
00060   }
00061   END_LOOP;
00063   /* Sort by pad/pin number */
00064   qsort(ppd, len, sizeof(ElementPadPinData), pad_pin_data_cmp_by_number);
00066   /* Set the shared field */
00067   int i_start = 0;
00068   const PadOrPinType* pp_start = &ppd[0].pp;
00069   /* Index i goes all the way to len; watch out. */
00070   for (i = 1; i < len + 1; i++) {
00071     if (i == len || pad_or_pin_number_cmp(pp_start, &ppd[i].pp) != 0) {
00072       int shares = i - i_start;
00073       int j;
00074       for (j = i_start; j < i; j++) {
00075         ppd[j].shares = shares;
00076       }
00077       /* Prepare for next block */
00078       if (i != len) {
00079         i_start = i;
00080         pp_start = &ppd[i].pp;
00081       }
00082     }
00083   }
00084   *len_ptr = len;
00085   return ppd;
00086 }
00088 double
00089 find_non_coincident(const ElementPadPinData* ppd, int len,
00090                     int* index1_ptr, int* index2_ptr)
00091 {
00092   int index1 = 0;
00093   const ElementPadPinData* ppd1 = &ppd[index1];
00094   int i;
00095   for (i = 1; i < len; i++) {
00096     double d2 = point_distance2(ppd1->center, ppd[i].center);
00097     if (d2) {
00098       *index1_ptr = index1;
00099       *index2_ptr = i;
00100       return d2;
00101     }
00102   }
00103   return 0;
00104 }
00106 Boolean
00107 find_best_corresponding_pads_or_pins(ElementPadPinData* ppd_a, int len_a,
00108                                      int index1_a, int index2_a,
00109                                      Boolean reflect,
00110                                      ElementPadPinData* ppd_b, int len_b,
00111                                      int* index1_b_ptr, int* index2_b_ptr)
00112 {
00113   int block1_start = 0;
00114   int block1_end = 0;
00115   int block2_start = 0;
00116   int block2_end = 0;
00117   if (! find_number_block(ppd_b, len_b, &ppd_a[index1_a].pp,
00118                           &block1_start, &block1_end)) {
00119     return False;
00120   }
00121   if (! find_number_block(ppd_b, len_b, &ppd_a[index2_a].pp,
00122                           &block2_start, &block2_end)) {
00123     return False;
00124   }
00126   Boolean min_set = False;
00127   double min_sum_of_distances = 0;
00128   int min_index1_b = 0;
00129   int min_index2_b = 0;
00131   int i;
00132   for (i = block1_start; i < block1_end; i++) {
00133     int j;
00134     for (j = block2_start; j < block2_end; j++) {
00135       /* Block1 and block2 ranges may coincide. */
00136       if (i != j) {
00137         int k;
00138         for (k = 0; k < 4; k++) {
00139           /* Find transformation */
00140           double angle = k * M_PI / 2;
00141           Matrix3x3 trans;
00142           if (calculate_transformation(ppd_a[index1_a].center,
00143                                        ppd_a[index2_a].center,
00144                                        ppd_b[i].center,
00145                                        ppd_b[j].center,
00146                                        reflect, angle,
00147                                        trans)) {
00148             /* Transform ppd_a */
00149             transform_pad_pin_data(ppd_a, len_a, trans);
00150             /* Sum of distances */
00151             double sd = calculate_sum_of_distances(ppd_a, len_a,
00152                                                    ppd_b, len_b);
00153             if (! min_set || sd < min_sum_of_distances) {
00154               min_set = True;
00155               min_sum_of_distances = sd;
00156               min_index1_b = i;
00157               min_index2_b = j;
00158             }
00159           }
00160         }
00161       }
00162     }
00163   }
00164   if (min_set) {
00165     debug_log("Best corresponding pads/pins found.\n");
00166     *index1_b_ptr = min_index1_b;
00167     *index2_b_ptr = min_index2_b;
00168   } else {
00169     debug_log("No best corresponding pads/pins found.\n");
00170   }
00171   return min_set;
00172 }
00174 static void
00175 transform_pad_pin_data(ElementPadPinData* ppd, int len,
00176                        Matrix3x3 trans)
00177 {
00178   int i;
00179   for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
00180     Vector3x1 v;
00181     point_to_vec(ppd[i].center, v);
00182     Vector3x1 t;
00183     multiply_matrix_vector(trans, v, t);
00184     ppd[i].transformed_center = vec_to_point(t);
00185   }
00186 }
00188 /* Isn't guaranteed to find the minimum distances between all
00189    corresponding pads/pins when pad/pin numbers are shared, but it
00190    takes a pretty good stab at it. */
00191 static double
00192 calculate_sum_of_distances(ElementPadPinData* ppd_a, int len_a,
00193                            ElementPadPinData* ppd_b, int len_b)
00194 {
00195   /* Clear the taken flags */
00196   int i;
00197   for (i = 0; i < len_b; i++) {
00198     ppd_b[i].taken = False;
00199   }
00201   double sum_d2 = 0;
00202   for (i = 0; i < len_a; i++) {
00203     int block_b_start = 0;
00204     int block_b_end = 0;
00205     ElementPadPinData* a = &ppd_a[i];
00206     if (find_number_block(ppd_b, len_b, &a->pp,
00207                           &block_b_start, &block_b_end)) {
00208       Boolean min_set = False;
00209       double min_d2 = 0;
00210       int min_index = 0;
00211       int j;
00212       for (j = block_b_start; j < block_b_end; j++) {
00213         ElementPadPinData* b = &ppd_b[j];
00214         if (! b->taken) {
00215           double d2 = point_distance2(a->transformed_center,
00216                                       b->transformed_center);
00217           if (! min_set || d2 < min_d2) {
00218             min_set = True;
00219             min_d2 = d2;
00220             min_index = j;
00221           }
00222         }
00223       }
00224       if (min_set) {
00225         ppd_b[min_index].taken = True;
00226         sum_d2 += min_d2;
00227       }
00228     }
00229   }
00230   return sum_d2;
00231 }
00233 Boolean
00234 calculate_transformation(CheapPointType new1_pt, CheapPointType new2_pt,
00235                          CheapPointType old1_pt, CheapPointType old2_pt,
00236                          Boolean reflect,
00237                          double angle,
00238                          Matrix3x3 new_to_old_mat)
00239 {
00240   Matrix3x3 t;
00242   /* Translation of new1_pt to origin. */
00243   Matrix3x3 new_to_origin_mat;
00244   make_translation_matrix(new_to_origin_mat, -new1_pt.X, -new1_pt.Y);
00245   if (reflect) {
00246     /* If components are not on same side of board, reflect through
00247        the y-axis. */
00248     make_reflection_matrix_y_axis(t);
00249     multiply_matrix_matrix_inplace(t, new_to_origin_mat);
00250   }
00252   Matrix3x3 result;
00253   /* Start with translation of new1_pt to origin. */
00254   copy_matrix(new_to_origin_mat, result);
00255   /* Rotate from new element angle to old element angle. */
00256   make_rotation_matrix(t, angle);
00257   multiply_matrix_matrix_inplace(t, result);
00258   /* Translate from origin to old1_pt. */
00259   make_translation_matrix(t, old1_pt.X, old1_pt.Y);
00260   multiply_matrix_matrix_inplace(t, result);
00262   copy_matrix(result, new_to_old_mat);
00263   return True;
00264 }
00266 static Boolean
00267 find_number_block(const ElementPadPinData* ppd, int len,
00268                   const PadOrPinType* pp,
00269                   int* start, int* end)
00270 {
00271   int i;
00272   for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
00273     if (pad_or_pin_number_cmp(&ppd[i].pp, pp) == 0) {
00274       int j;
00275       for (j = i + 1; j < len; j++) {
00276         if (pad_or_pin_number_cmp(&ppd[j].pp, pp) != 0) {
00277           break;
00278         }
00279       }
00280       *start = i;
00281       *end = j;
00282       return True;
00283     }
00284   }
00285   return False;
00286 }
00288 static int
00289 pad_pin_data_cmp_by_number(const void* va, const void* vb)
00290 {
00291   const ElementPadPinData* a = (const ElementPadPinData*)va;
00292   const ElementPadPinData* b = (const ElementPadPinData*)vb;
00293   return pad_or_pin_number_cmp(&a->pp, &b->pp);
00294 }

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